I am dynamicly creating foo columns to be added to the grid
I do it like this in Page_Load:
foreach (Artikli artikal in a)
GridNumericColumn gridColumn = new GridNumericColumn();
gridColumn.DataField = "blank";
gridColumn.HeaderText = artikal.Naziv;
gridColumn.UniqueName = artikal.Id.ToString() + "_blank";
// gridColumn.Expression = " ";
Export in Excel (ML) will export existing columns and only first added column.
Excel html export exports all columns, but xls file looks better in excel.
If I try to create GridCalculatedColumn instead of GridBoudCollumn, I rececive this error:
GridException: Cannot create column with the specified type name: GridCalculatedColumn]
Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumnCollection.CreateColumnFromTypeName(String columnTypeName) +1013
Any help?