Expanding TelerikGrid DetailTemplate after a rebind

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Mark asked on 05 Mar 2024, 02:53 PM
Looking for a solution to expand the previous expanded DetailTemplate after a grid rebind.  The data for the grid is updated from a click event within the DetailTemplate and need the grid updated and the expanded row to either stay expanded or re-expand after the grid rebind.

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Telerik team
answered on 07 Mar 2024, 11:27 AM

Hello Mark,

Based on your explanation, I'm assuming you are using a version of the product that is older than 5.1.0. The problem you are facing is similar to a bug reported for a prior version of the product on our feedback portal, and the 5.1.0 release fixed it. Therefore, I recommend you update to the latest version of our product, which is 5.1.1. This update should resolve the issue and provide you with access to the latest features and improvements.

For your convenience, I've created a runnable REPL example that demonstrates the desired outcome. For more information about the approach employed to maintain expanded rows in our latest version, I recommend referring to the third step outlined in the Hierarchy Editing in Grid knowledge base article.

I hope you find the provided information useful. Let me know if you are still facing difficulties.

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