Hi. I am looking for code sample (VB.NET) to do something in the webpage when the user selects a row in the gridcontrol in a user control. The user control code is listed below.
In the webpage, the user control is accessed as follows
Thanks for any help and/or sample code that you can provide
<% @ Control Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="YALReadOnlyGrid.ascx.vb" Inherits="UserControls_YALReadOnlyGrid" %>
<% @ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadROGrid" runat="server" |
AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="True" GridLines="None" Skin="Sunset" |
Width="275px"> |
<MasterTableView> |
<RowIndicatorColumn> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" /> |
</RowIndicatorColumn> |
<ExpandCollapseColumn> |
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" /> |
</ExpandCollapseColumn> |
</MasterTableView> |
<ClientSettings> |
<Selecting AllowRowSelect="True" /> |
</ClientSettings> |
</telerik:RadGrid> |
In the webpage, the user control is accessed as follows
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Common/YALMasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="YALDropDowns.aspx.vb" Inherits="Admin_YALDropDowns" %> |
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server"> |
</asp:Content> |
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderHeader" Runat="Server"> |
</asp:Content> |
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="ConPHLeftTop" Runat="Server"> |
<YAL:YALROGenGrid runat="server" ID="YALDDVals" Source="DropDowns" setPageSize="50" /> |
</asp:Content> |
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="ConPHLeftBottom" Runat="Server"> |
</asp:Content> |
<asp:Content ID="Content5" ContentPlaceHolderID="ConPHRightTop" Runat="Server"> |
</asp:Content> |
Thanks for any help and/or sample code that you can provide