Hi there,
I have a radgrid which is created dynamically in C#. Now I want to add a new dynamic row which should be different in every row. I have managed adding a new link coloumn, however it seems same in every row.
Here is the code;
I have a radgrid which is created dynamically in C#. Now I want to add a new dynamic row which should be different in every row. I have managed adding a new link coloumn, however it seems same in every row.
Here is the code;
public void Gridi_Getir() |
{ |
DataSet musteriDataSet = new DataSet(); |
musteriDataSet = bllMusteri.MusteriGetir(); |
DataView musteriDataView = musteriDataSet.Tables["Musteriler"].DefaultView; |
RadGrid1.DataSource = musteriDataView; |
for (int i = 0; i < musteriDataView.Count; i++) |
{ |
dtoMusteri musteri = new dtoMusteri(); |
musteri.MusteriID = Convert.ToInt32(musteriDataView[i].Row.ItemArray[0]); |
HesapKartlariniGetir(musteri, i); |
} |
RadGrid1.DataBind(); |
} |
public void HesapKartlariniGetir(dtoMusteri musteri, int k) |
{ |
ArrayList hesapKartlari = bllMusteriHesapKarti.MusteriIDyeGoreMusteriHesapKartiGetir(musteri.MusteriID); |
for (int i = 0; i < hesapKartlari.Count; i++) |
{ |
//TableCell cell = new TableCell(); |
//cell.Text = ((CoalSoft.DTO.dtoMusteriHesapKarti)(hesapKartlari[i])).MusteriHesapKartiAdi; |
GridHyperLinkColumn column = new GridHyperLinkColumn(); |
//column.InitializeCell(cell, i, RadGrid1.Items[k]); |
column.ItemStyle.Font.Name = "Tahoma"; |
column.Text = ((CoalSoft.DTO.dtoMusteriHesapKarti)(hesapKartlari[i])).MusteriHesapKartiAdi; |
column.NavigateUrl = "MusteriHesapKartiDetay.aspx?MusteriHesapKartID=" + ((CoalSoft.DTO.dtoMusteriHesapKarti)(hesapKartlari[i])).MusteriHesapKartiID; |
RadGrid1.Columns.Insert(i + 4, column); |
} |
} |