We have two pages using the Scheduler control. One works correctly and on the other the DatePicker appears shifted to the right about 2/3 of its width and only 1/3 is visible (we can see the first three day columns and a piece of the fourth). This is consistent in either Day, Week or Month view. We cannot see any difference in how the control is layed out. Here is the definition:
<telerik:RadScheduler ID="schCalendar" runat="server" AllowDelete="False"
AllowEdit="False" AllowInsert="False" Skin="Sunset" CustomAttributeNames="eveid"
onappointmentcreated="schCalendar_AppointmentCreated" TimelineView-UserSelectable="false"
onnavigationcomplete="schCalendar_NavigationComplete" DataKeyField="eveid" DataEndField="eve_end"
DataStartField="eve_start" DataSubjectField="eve_text" ShowAllDayRow="false">
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperlinkDetails" runat="server"> <%# Eval("Subject")%></asp:HyperLink>