Having a lot of trouble with this one
Setting a Datakey not found error on OrderID property , all I have done is swap out the data source on the ProductsGrid_NeedDataSource method
as below
grid.DataSource = this.GService.GetJobs(GEmployee.id);
Gservice returns two entities as below
var returnedJobs = new List<DemoJobBreakdown>()
new DemoJobBreakdown()
OrderID = 1,
Job_Subset_ID = 4,
Status = "Complete",
Job_Step = "Installation"
new DemoJobBreakdown()
OrderID = 2,
Job_Subset_ID = 3,
Status = "Complete",
Job_Step = "Health and Saftey"
and the control is pretty much untouched
<telerik:RadGrid AllowFilteringByColumn="true" AllowSorting="true" ShowGroupPanel="true"
BackColor="#393939" ID="ProductsGrid" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="15"
Width="980px" CssClass="productsGrid" OnPreRender="ProductsGrid_PreRender" OnNeedDataSource="ProductsGrid_NeedDataSource"
Style="outline: 0">
<MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="false" PagerStyle-Mode="NextPrevAndNumeric"
ClientDataKeyNames="OrderID" TableLayout="Fixed">
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" AutoPostBackOnFilter="true"
ShowFilterIcon="false" HeaderStyle-Width="60px" FilterControlWidth="35px">
<ClientSettings AllowDragToGroup="true" EnableRowHoverStyle="true">
<Selecting AllowRowSelect="true" />
<ClientEvents OnRowSelected="RowSelected" />
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" ScrollHeight="360px" />
Yet it still blows up every time!
Can anyone help?
Having a lot of trouble with this one
Setting a Datakey not found error on OrderID property , all I have done is swap out the data source on the ProductsGrid_NeedDataSource method
as below
grid.DataSource = this.GService.GetJobs(GEmployee.id);
Gservice returns two entities as below
var returnedJobs = new List<DemoJobBreakdown>()
new DemoJobBreakdown()
OrderID = 1,
Job_Subset_ID = 4,
Status = "Complete",
Job_Step = "Installation"
new DemoJobBreakdown()
OrderID = 2,
Job_Subset_ID = 3,
Status = "Complete",
Job_Step = "Health and Saftey"
and the control is pretty much untouched
<telerik:RadGrid AllowFilteringByColumn="true" AllowSorting="true" ShowGroupPanel="true"
BackColor="#393939" ID="ProductsGrid" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="15"
Width="980px" CssClass="productsGrid" OnPreRender="ProductsGrid_PreRender" OnNeedDataSource="ProductsGrid_NeedDataSource"
Style="outline: 0">
<MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="false" PagerStyle-Mode="NextPrevAndNumeric"
ClientDataKeyNames="OrderID" TableLayout="Fixed">
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" AutoPostBackOnFilter="true"
ShowFilterIcon="false" HeaderStyle-Width="60px" FilterControlWidth="35px">
<ClientSettings AllowDragToGroup="true" EnableRowHoverStyle="true">
<Selecting AllowRowSelect="true" />
<ClientEvents OnRowSelected="RowSelected" />
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" ScrollHeight="360px" />
Yet it still blows up every time!
Can anyone help?