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Create report based on pivot settings

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Mattia asked on 20 May 2014, 03:11 PM
I have a form with pivotgrid and 2 htmlchart syncronized with the same data.
Pivotgrid's columns, rows and aggregates are customizable by the users.
I need to produce a report with the same pivotgrid layout/data and charts.

Is it possible?

I was thinking about to save session with RadPersistenceManager and use it in same way to create the report..

My real issue is to recreate the same pivotgrid layout..

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Telerik team
answered on 23 May 2014, 11:30 AM
Hello Stefania,

Are you using a OLAP data source? If that is correct then you have to save the current selected pivot grid fields and then create their structure dynamically on Page_Load event as demonstrated in the following live example. Otherwise could you please provide more details how your pivot grid is configured and bind? 


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answered on 23 May 2014, 12:56 PM
Hi Kostadin,
thanks for your reply.
I don't see the demo..

I'm not using OLAP datasource

this is my Pivot
<telerik:RadPivotGrid ID="PivotGrid1" runat="server" OnPreRender="RadPivotGrid1_PreRender"
                                        Width="100%" AllowSorting="True" EmptyValue="0" OnCellDataBound="RadPivotGrid1_CellDataBound"
                                        ShowFilterHeaderZone="False" ShowColumnHeaderZone="False" EnableZoneContextMenu="True"
                                       EnableConfigurationPanel="True" Culture="it-IT" meta:resourcekey="PivotGrid1Resource1">

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
        PivotGrid1.ContextMenu.PreRender += ContextMenu_PreRender;
        PivotGrid1.NeedDataSource +=new EventHandler<PivotGridNeedDataSourceEventArgs>(PivotGrid1_NeedDataSource);
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
    private void ContextMenu_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PivotGrid1.ContextMenu.FindItemByValue("Hide").Visible = false;
    private void CreateStandardPivotLayout()
        PivotGridRowField rowField = new PivotGridRowField();
        rowField.DataField = "CdcCode";
        rowField.UniqueName = "CdcCode";
        rowField.Caption = GetGlobalResourceObject("GlobalText", "CdcCode").ToString();
        PivotGridColumnField columnField = new PivotGridColumnField();
        columnField.DataField = "AlarmLevelDescription";
        columnField.UniqueName = "AlarmLevelDescription";
        columnField.Caption = GetGlobalResourceObject("GlobalText", "AlarmLevelDescription").ToString();
        PivotGridAggregateField aggregateField = new PivotGridAggregateField();
        aggregateField.DataField = "AlarmLevelDescription";
        aggregateField.Caption = GetGlobalResourceObject("GlobalText", "AlarmLevelDescription").ToString();
        aggregateField.UniqueName = "AlarmLevelDescription_Aggregate";
        aggregateField.DataFormatString = "{0:N0}";
        aggregateField.TotalFormatString = "{0:N0}";
        aggregateField.Aggregate = PivotGridAggregate.Count;
        aggregateField.SortOrder = PivotGridSortOrder.Ascending;
        aggregateField.TotalFormat.Axis = PivotGridAxis.Rows;
        aggregateField.TotalFormat.Level = 0;
        aggregateField.TotalFormat.SortOrder = PivotGridSortOrder.Ascending;
        aggregateField.TotalFormat.TotalFunction = PivotGridTotalFunction.NoCalculation;   

protected void PivotGrid1_NeedDataSource(object sender, PivotGridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
        if (RadTreeView1.CheckedNodes.Count == 0 || !DateFromPicker.SelectedDate.HasValue || !DateToPicker.SelectedDate.HasValue)
            RadNotification1.Show(GetGlobalResourceObject("GlobalText", "ChooseFilter").ToString());
    private void LoadPivotGrid()
        var nodes = RadTreeView1.CheckedNodes;
        m_CompaniesFilter = new List<string>();
        m_CountriesFilter = new List<int>();
        m_SitesFilter = new List<int>();
        m_CdcsFilter = new List<int>();
        nodes.ToList().Where(p=>p.Level == 0).ToList().ForEach(p => m_CompaniesFilter.Add(p.Value));
        nodes.ToList().Where(p => p.Level == 1).ToList().ForEach(p => m_CountriesFilter.Add(Convert.ToInt32(p.Value.Replace("P_",string.Empty))));
        nodes.ToList().Where(p => p.Level == 2).ToList().ForEach(p => m_SitesFilter.Add(Convert.ToInt32(p.Value.Replace("S_", string.Empty))));
        nodes.ToList().Where(p => p.Level == 3).ToList().ForEach(p => m_CdcsFilter.Add(Convert.ToInt32(p.Value.Replace("C_", string.Empty))));
        m_ReportList = m_ReportHelper.GetPivotData(m_CompaniesFilter, m_CountriesFilter, m_SitesFilter, m_CdcsFilter, DateFromPicker.SelectedDate.Value, DateToPicker.SelectedDate.Value, m_UserId);
        PivotGrid1.DataSource = m_ReportList;
Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2014, 06:41 AM
Hello Stefania,

Could you please let me know how the user customize the columns, rows and aggregates fields? From the provided code snippet I noticed that you have initially declare them in the code behind. If you want to declare a different fields for the different users then I would recommend to create the entire PivotGrid structure on Page_Init event handler as described in the following help article.


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answered on 28 May 2014, 07:18 AM
Hi Kostadin,
users can customize the columns, rows and aggregates fields from the fields window.
From code-behind I just need to create the first pivot structure after that user can customize it from the fields window (add/remove columns, rows and aggregations).
After the customizations he should be print a report with the final result.

For now my workaround is to print directly the window, hiding what I don't want to print.
just like this:
Obviously it's not exacly what I wanted but it works
Telerik team
answered on 30 May 2014, 11:35 AM
Hello Stefania,

You could use the PersistenceFramework to recreate the PivotGrid but I am afraid you could not export it together with the charts. You could check out the following live example which demonstrates how to persist the PivotGrid state.


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