Hi telerik,
I use RadWindowA to open a new page,we just call it page NewPage,In page NewPage I have a colorpicker ,and I also need to open another RadwindowB in page NewPage, If I set colorpicker "position:relative;" then the RadwindowB can not cover the colorpicker in both IE7 and IE8,if I don's set that property ,It shows different in IE7 and IE8,you can see the attachment file,like the scenario of IE7,when I clicked the colorpicker,it go back to the right position,I hope in iE7 when page load ,the colorpicker in the right position,I'm wondering is there a solution.
Jay Wang
I use RadWindowA to open a new page,we just call it page NewPage,In page NewPage I have a colorpicker ,and I also need to open another RadwindowB in page NewPage, If I set colorpicker "position:relative;" then the RadwindowB can not cover the colorpicker in both IE7 and IE8,if I don's set that property ,It shows different in IE7 and IE8,you can see the attachment file,like the scenario of IE7,when I clicked the colorpicker,it go back to the right position,I hope in iE7 when page load ,the colorpicker in the right position,I'm wondering is there a solution.
Jay Wang