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Change Tooltip color ?

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Rihen asked on 08 Jun 2020, 12:33 PM


I would like to change the color of my tooltip, and also of my buttons, as I understood, the whole UI is set with a single base Theme (Bootstrap or else).

The problem is that the tooltip with bootstrap is blue, and if I add it on a primary button, it's blue on blue and not readable. An attribute letting us to set the Color of a tooltip or a button would be good. I can't but red warning buttons for example.

I tried to set the class of a tooltip with a different background color, but only the rectangle is set not the whole tooltip (see pic).


Thanks in advance



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Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
answered on 08 Jun 2020, 01:06 PM


An alternative is to style the buttons explicitly:

You can also style the tooltips by inspecting their rendering and overriding rules from our classes. This blog post can help you do that: Here's an example I made for you:

    .k-tooltip {
        background-color: red;

    div.k-tooltip .k-callout {
        color: red;

<TelerikButton Title="the button title">lorem ipsum</TelerikButton>

<TelerikTooltip TargetSelector="p a[title], .k-button">

    <a title="what is 'lorem ipsum'?" href="">lorem</a>
    ipsum dolor
    <a title="is this a real word?" href="">sit</a>


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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Marin Bratanov
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