Hi Team,
We are using RadAsyncUpload in one of our page. For that we use ProgressArea also. My problem is, I am using other FileUpload(Normal aspx control) in my page. If I am uploading some stuff's through that control(by aspx FileUpload) progress area shows for that also. Can you suggest me a solution so that Progress area is displayed only when I upload through async Upload.
I have tried the through the javascript
function OnClientFileUploading2(sender, args) {
var pa2 = $find("RadProgressArea2");
Since I use many FileUpload controls , I don't want all the FileUpload's to set that as invisible.
We are using RadAsyncUpload in one of our page. For that we use ProgressArea also. My problem is, I am using other FileUpload(Normal aspx control) in my page. If I am uploading some stuff's through that control(by aspx FileUpload) progress area shows for that also. Can you suggest me a solution so that Progress area is displayed only when I upload through async Upload.
I have tried the through the javascript
function OnClientFileUploading2(sender, args) {
var pa2 = $find("RadProgressArea2");
Since I use many FileUpload controls , I don't want all the FileUpload's to set that as invisible.