protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e) |
{ |
if (e.CommandName == "Delete") |
{ |
string ActionType = "DELETE"; |
string Username = Session["Username"].ToString(); |
string ServiceTypeName = "Website"; |
string ServiceName; |
string Fields; |
string DateInserted = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString(); |
//Setup parameters from RadGrid columns |
GridDataItem dataformItem = (GridDataItem)e.Item; |
DataBoundLiteralControl txtbxClientId = (DataBoundLiteralControl)dataformItem["Client"].Controls[0]; |
string ClientId = txtbxClientId.Text; |
DataBoundLiteralControl txtbxServerId = (DataBoundLiteralControl)dataformItem["Server"].Controls[0]; |
string ServerId = txtbxServerId.Text; |
TableCell txtbxWebsiteUrl = (TableCell)dataformItem["WebsiteUrl"]; |
string WebsiteUrl = txtbxWebsiteUrl.Text; |
TableCell txtbxLogFilePath = (TableCell)dataformItem["LogFilePath"]; |
string LogFilePath = txtbxLogFilePath.Text; |
TableCell txtbxBandWidthCost = (TableCell)dataformItem["BandWidthCost"]; |
string BandWidthCost = txtbxBandWidthCost.Text; |
DataBoundLiteralControl txtbxChargeTypeId = (DataBoundLiteralControl)dataformItem["Charge"].Controls[0]; |
string ChargeTypeId = txtbxChargeTypeId.Text; |
TableCell txtbxAmount = (TableCell)dataformItem["Amount"]; |
string Amount = txtbxAmount.Text; |
TableCell txtbxBandWidthLimit = (TableCell)dataformItem["BandWidthlimit"]; |
string BandWidthLimit = txtbxBandWidthLimit.Text; |
CheckBox chkbxSqlDataBase = (CheckBox)dataformItem["SqlDatabase"].Controls[0]; |
if (chkbxSqlDataBase.Checked == true) |
{ |
chkbxSqlDataBase.Text = "1"; |
} |
else |
{ |
chkbxSqlDataBase.Text = "0"; |
} |
string SqlDataBase = chkbxSqlDataBase.Text; |
TableCell txtbxSqlMbLimit = (TableCell)dataformItem["SqlMbLimit"]; |
string SqlMbLimit = txtbxSqlMbLimit.Text; |
TableCell txtbxMbCharge = (TableCell)dataformItem["MbCharge"]; |
string MbCharge = txtbxMbCharge.Text; |
//Setup concatanated Fields parameter. |
Fields = string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6};{7};{8};{9};{10}", ClientId, ServerId, WebsiteUrl, LogFilePath, BandWidthCost, ChargeTypeId, Amount, BandWidthLimit, SqlDataBase, SqlMbLimit, MbCharge); |
ServiceName = WebsiteUrl; |
//Execute Audit SP and pass through parameters |
//LINQ |
cknetispservicesDataContext db = new cknetispservicesDataContext(); |
var testDs = db.spAudit(ActionType, Username, ServiceTypeName, ServiceName, Fields, Convert.ToDateTime(DateInserted)); |
} |
} |
The SP is fine i'm positive.
I had a breakpoint and i can see that all the information is there and the string is concatenated correctly.
I even ran a SQL profiler and can see the fields string in the stored procedure but still nothing is written to the fields column, other coumns are being written to perfectly.