Telerik blogs

When we released the CTP version of RadPivotGrid, we received hundreds of requests, described with a single word: “OLAP”. OLAP, OLAP, OLAP… We have done a lot of work and I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with our OLAP support. You can use XmlaDataProvider to access data from OLAP cubes (in WPF you can use AdomdDataProvider as well). It is as easy as pie to retrieve the data and show it in RadPivotGrid. But what if you have thousands or even millions of records – no one can understand all the details with so many items. Don’t worry, there’s no need to scroll through your huge data, what you need is Report Filter. Just add some groups in your filter and voilà. RadPivotGrid will show only the items that match the filter.
With our Q1 release you can apply sorting for easier understanding of generated report. And yes, sorting is available for each members of a dimension hierarchy. So you can easily switch between ascending and descending sorting for different members.

This looks great, right? Or there is even more?

Yes, there is more - now you are able to use different Total Formats for your data – select the calculation at runtime with RadPivotFieldList or define it in your code, to unleash the full power of RadPivotGrid. You can use Percent of Grand Total, Running Totals In, Index and many other integrated calculations, to modify your report.

But this is not everything – with RadPivotGrid you can use both multidimensional and tabular OLAP Cubes (except DirectQuery mode of the Tabular cubes). As you can see RadPivotGrid is up-to-date with the latest technologies on the market.

RadPivotGrid is not only OLAP tool. It can be used with any collection that implements IEnumerable interface. We have worked really hard to improve our LocalDataSourceProvider. With the BETA release we introduced tons of new features and UI dialogs, but the developers didn’t have ability to hide/show different members in RadPivotFieldList. Not anymore – with our official release we have added support for DataAnnotations and ICustomTypeProvider (for Silverlight and WPF 4.5).

DataAnnotations are used to modify how a property will be presented (or you can hide it as well) in RadPivotGrid and RadPivotFieldList. For example, you may have a property with long and complex name: “QuantityOfItemsInOurInternalStorage”, but with DataAnnotations you can change it easily to something very simple – “Quantity”. You can check how to achieve this in our online help.

ICustomTypeProvider is an interface that gives you the ability to add properties to your objects at runtime. And RadPivotGrid can handle such changes without a problem – you may add/remove properties dynamically and all you have to do is to refresh your DataProviderRadPivotGrid will always be up-to-date with your latest changes.

It looks like there are a lot of new features that you can use to generate the exact report you want with RadPivotGrid and RadPivotFieldList. And there’s more the come - with the official release we have added support for all Telerik themes that you have used with our other controls. So you can integrate RadPivotGrid with other Telerik controls and set the theme you need.

Do you like our RadPivotGrid? Don’t miss to leave a comment and prepare for more exciting features in the near future.

About the Author

Rosen Vladimirov

is a XAML support specialist with several years of experience in the support area. His main responsibility is answering tickets related to RadPivotGrid. You can follow him on twitter @rosen_vl.


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