Exciting news from CodeItLive: we've got the cure for your case of the Mondays!
We're adding two new streams to our regular weekly schedule in 2022: Dev by Design (weekly, at 10AM ET) with Kathryn Grayson Nanz and UI Mondays (weekly, at 2PM ET) with Alyssa Nicoll and Kathryn Grayson Nanz.
Dev by Design will explain the science behind art and design. A lot of folks think design is an innate talent, and you either have "the eye" or you don't. Good news: this is totally false!
If you're a developer looking to level up your design skills (or just understand why the designers on your team make the decisions they do), then join Kathryn every Monday for this look at design through a developer lens. We'll be going through the foundations of art and design and discussing how you can apply them to your user interfaces, so come hang out and learn enough design to be dangerous.
Are you among the growing group of developers that describe themselves as working on the "front of the front-end"? Or maybe you're more looking to brush up that side of your skillset? Either way, you'll definitely want to catch UI Mondays, when Alyssa and Kathryn will be talking about everything related to the craft of creating user interfaces!
Industry news and trends, animation, accessibility, new CSS, exciting guests, and so much more. Tune in for UI Mondays and start every week with a little front-end goodness.
Kathryn Grayson Nanz is a developer advocate at Progress with a passion for React, UI and design and sharing with the community. She started her career as a graphic designer and was told by her Creative Director to never let anyone find out she could code because she’d be stuck doing it forever. She ignored his warning and has never been happier. You can find her writing, blogging, streaming and tweeting about React, design, UI and more. You can find her at @kathryngrayson on Twitter.