It’s time to wrap up 2020 by tracking where our Angular developer community has been most active so we can focus on delivering the information that will make you most successful in 2021.
The magic of Kendo UI for Angular isn’t just great JavaScript components, it is our pursuit to help developers be successful through support, learning materials and an active community. We thought you would find it interesting to see what your peers are learning.
Here, we generally focus on Angular concepts, but guidance for Kendo UI for Angular is also very popular. Visit our Getting Started series, video library, and documentation for more samples, demos and instructions.
Without further ado, here are the top 10 Angular How-To articles as measured by your visits in 2020. Let’s count them down, just for fun:
10: How to Lazy Load a Component in Angular
This article's 10th place rank is a bit misleading since it was just published in October. Chances are that it will be on top of 2021 list. It covers lazy loading components using the popular Ivy Renderer.
9: Getting Started with Nx in Angular
Written over a year ago and still very popular and relevant is this tutorial on building a full-stack application with Nest.js, Angular, and Nx (Nrwl Extensions).
8: How to Use Drag and Drop with the Angular 7 CDK + Kendo UI
Our own developer advocate, Alyssa Nicoll jumped right in after the Angular 7 release to show our users how to implement drag-and-drop. Even though we are now on Angular 11, this is still relevant today.
7: Building a Food Store using Redux and Angular
Learn how to manage data by walking through steps to build a complete food store application using various Angular tools such as Express, Node, and Redux.
6: Getting Started with Angular Elements
Learn how to reuse Angular code and components across applications, even in non-Angular environments, using Angular Elements.
5: Working with GraphQL In Angular: How to Make a GraphQL Query
Learn how to work with GraphQL to fetch data by building an app that can query for and create books. You will also work with Apollo Angular.
4: Building an Online Store Using ngrx/store and Angular
In another online store tutorial, you will learn how to manage a complex application’s state using ngrx/store.
3: Testing Dynamic Forms in Angular
Creating dynamic forms is one of the most common tasks Angular developers are faced with. Create a basic reactive form and test it in this tutorial.
2: How to Use *ngIf else in Your Angular Applications
Published in early, 2020, this article tackles the common questions about *ngif elsein Angular applications. You will find hands-on instructions and plenty of code samples.
1: Understanding Angular Property Binding and Interpolation
It’s no surprise that this article tops our list. Angular’s two-way binding is one of the features that make it so popular. You will learn about binding types and interpolation so you will be equipped to choose the method that is right for you.
The articles listed above attracted hundreds of thousands of views, proving that Angular is alive and well. Angular developers are taking advantage of new features, learning how to best manage data, and optimizing their applications to match the expectation enterprise users have. We look forward to updating this list to see what Angular developers are working on in 2021.
Are there topics you would like to see us write about? Please leave a comment and let us know.
If you haven’t tired Kendo UI for Angular yet, it is the top choice among professional developers for building great UI. A trial is free, and it only takes a few minutes to get started. Sign up for the Kendo UI for Angular Trial here.
Dan Beall joined the Kendo Team in 2020 and brought with him a background in product management, marketing, and UX. Dan has over 20 years’ experience in the developer tools community bringing new solutions to market and evolving established solutions to meet the challenges of an ever-changing technical landscape. In his free time, he enjoys brewing, hiking, boating, and disc golf.