Telerik blogs

Have you been in need of a Spreadsheet solution for your web projects? Have you ever felt the urge to integrate Spreadsheet-like component as part of the functionality available in your web applications? Have you jumped through hoops to implement not-so-pretty workarounds to emulate this behavior, preferring to have a straight-forward solution from Telerik?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, there is good news for you I can share.

After completing our initial validation using a combination of public feedback analysis, results from surveys and private input from a selected group of Telerik users, I want to unveil that our team is already hard at work on a Spreadsheet solution for web applications! With it, you will be able to deliver familiar to MS Excel and Google Spreadsheet experiences right into your web projects. Supporting spreadsheet component behaviors in your web apps without writing a single line of code, and giving your end users the ability to reuse their existing skills with popular spreadsheet solutions can make you a superstar for them! Additionally, the wide breadth of software apps which can make use of this solution (Financial, Business, Engineering, Marketing, etc.) makes it applicable to almost any type of project that needs quick data entry and various operations against it in a tabular format.

Eager to know what the first version of Telerik Spreadsheet will include? At this point I can tell you that it’ll include all the essential core functionality of a spreadsheet UI, such as:
  • intuitive navigation and editing
  • sorting and filtering
  • formulas
  • cell and conditional formatting
  • data import and export capabilities
  • and many more.
We’ll be targeting a public Beta release within the Telerik DevTools Q3 timeframe (October), and an official v1 release in the first quarter of 2016. Private Preview may also be shared with a limited group of early adopters in the beginning of the autumn this year. More details will be disclosed during each major stage of the development cycle ahead. Also note that the Spreadsheet UI will be available for our Kendo UI, UI for ASP.NET MVC and UI for ASP.NET AJAX products, thus covering all web technologies included in our Telerik DevCraft bundle.

I’ve just revealed a major part of  what’s coming as a Telerik Spreadsheet offering towards the end of 2015/early 2016, and I’m sure you will share our excitement about it! We can’t wait to hear your thoughts about this new component in the comments section below.

In addition, if you are interested in providing feedback about Telerik Spreadsheet in terms of functionality, user experience, etc., or would like to participate in the early tests of the Private Preview (when available), shoot us an email at Exciting times ahead!

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About the Author

Stefan Rahnev

Stefan Rahnev (@StDiR) is Product Manager for Telerik Kendo UI living in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has been working for the company since 2005, when he started out as a regular support officer. His next steps at Telerik took him through the positions of Technical Support Director, co-team leader in one of the ASP.NET AJAX teams and unit manager for UI for ASP.NET AJAX and Kendo UI. Stefan’s main interests are web development, agile processes planning and management, client services and psychology.

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