Telerik blogs
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    RadTreeView's TriState Mode in Deep

    Many of you have probably used Telerik's TreeView or going to do so in the future. One of its many features is the TriStateMode. In this blog post I'm going to explain how TriStateMode mode is designed to work and propagate the values up and down the tree. When in TriStateMode (IsTriStateMode=”True”) checking/unchecking an item makes the TreeView propagate the value. The value propagation actually checks/unchecks all items’ children and updates the chain of parents with appropriate value (checked, unchecked or undetermined). CheckState vs. IsChecked The TreeView exposes two properties used to manipulate items' check state - CheckState (of type ToggleState) and IsChecked...
    November 19, 2010
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    How To: Hierarchy Load On Demand With RadTreeView for Silverlight, MVVM and OData

    Similar to this post, I’ve made a similar example on how to load on demand RadTreeView for Silverlight three level hierarchy using MVVM and OData service:  XAML  <UserControl.Resources>     <DataTemplate x:Key="OrderDetailsTemplate">         <Grid>            ...         </Grid>     </DataTemplate>     <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="OrderTemplate"             ItemsSource="{Binding OrderDetailsCollection}"             ItemTemplate="{StaticResource...
    October 26, 2010
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    Task-It Webinar - Building a real-world application with RadControls for Silverlight 4

    Yesterday I held a live webinar on Building a real-world application with RadControls for Silverlight 4. Thank you to all of those that attended, but if you did not have a chance to catch it, you can watch a recorded version here: Building a real-world application with RadControls for Silverlight 4 I wasn't able to get too deep into the inner workings of the app because of time limitations, but over the upcoming weeks I will dig deeper in my blog posts, and potentially some videos. FYI, I just put up a new blog post where I provide a link to download the source...
    March 19, 2010
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    TreeView in ComboBox, take 3 (Silverlight 3, WPF and RadControls)

    In my previous article on the same topic I described how to replace the ItemsPresenter of RadComboBox with a RadTreeView. It was as simple as updating the control template. Unfortunately the controls’ selection synchronization relied on a bug in RadComboBox that we recently fixed – the control was able to have a value in its SelectedItem property, that was not present in its Items collection. Now, in order to workaround this new problem, we have to either inherit RadComboBox, or create an attached behavior that will allow us to get the SelectedItem of the inner RadTreeView. The code you have to write...
    August 27, 2009
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    Self-reference hierarchy with Telerik TreeView for Silverlight

    Often we need to display in a TreeView flat, self-referencing data, loaded from a database, that has properties ID and ParentID (or similar) that define the hierarchy. The Telerik TreeView for ASP.NET can automatically bind itself to such data, but our Silverlight TreeView cannot do this out of the box. Fortunately, this “limitation” can be easily avoided with a simple value converter. There is a little trick, however – each data item needs a reference to its parent collection. Consider the following very simple data object: public class DataItem : INotifyPropertyChanged { private string text;   public int ID { get; set; } public int ParentID {...
    August 26, 2009