Telerik blogs
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    Silverlight Recruiting Application Part 6 - Adding an Interview Scheduling Module/View

    Between the last post and this one I went ahead and carried the ideas for the Jobs module and view into the Applicants module and view- they're both doing more or less the same thing, except with different objects being at their core.  Made for an easy cut-and-paste operation with a few items being switched from one to another.  Now that we have the ability to add postings and applicants, wouldn't it be nice if we could schedule an interview?  Of course it would! Scheduling Module I think you get the drift from previous posts that these project structures start looking somewhat...
    March 29, 2010
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    Decouple RadRibbonBar with Composite Silverlight (Prism)

    Let's suppose we want to decouple our application that uses RadRibbonBar as a main menu. Doing this using Composite Application Guidelines (Prism) is common scenario, so let's see how to achieve it. We'll make our RadRibbonBar to serve as RegionManager (This is possible because RadRibbonBar inherits from ItemsControl) and the RadRibbonTabs as actual views that will be plugged-in. So first we start with declaring RadRibbonBar as RegionManager : <telerikRibbonBar:RadRibbonBar Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="RibbonRegion" /> Having Region we can focus on creating the actual views. Let's add new Silverlight class library project and name it SalesRibbonTab. Now we need the view itself, so add new class let's say Ribbon...
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    Silverlight Recruiting Application Part 4 - Navigation and Modules

    After our brief intermission (and the craziness of Q1 2010 release week), we're back on track here and today we get to dive into how we are going to navigate through our applications as well as how to set up our modules.  That way, as I start adding the functionality- adding Jobs and Applicants, Interview Scheduling, and finally a handy Dashboard- you'll see how everything is communicating back and forth.  This is all leading up to an eventual webinar, in which I'll dive into this process and give a honest look at the current story for MVVM vs. Code-Behind applications.  (For...
    March 15, 2010
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    Silverlight Recruiting Application Part 3.5 - Prism Background and WCF RIA [Series Intermission]

    Taking a step back before I dive into the details and full-on coding fun, I wanted to once again respond to a comment on my last post to clear up some things in regards to how I'm setting up my project and some of the choices I've made.  Aka, thanks Ben. :) Prism Project Setup For starters, I'm not the ideal use case for a Prism application.  In most cases where you've got a one-man team, Prism can be overkill as it is more intended for large teams who are geographically dispersed or in applications that have a larger scale than my Recruiting...
    March 05, 2010
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    Silverlight Recruiting Application Part 3 - Creating our Prism Shell and Code-Behind Project Setup

    Now we're starting to dive into the world of Prism and modular development as well as a very standard, event driven, code-behind way of handling this project- meaning now we finally get to see some code!  To start things off, we'll look at the slightly more in-depth approach of beginning an application using Prism/MVVM and what it entails.  Also, to make one distinction early on, since I'm using the same database and WCF RIA Services to handle my data transfer, I've created the code-behind project within the same solution, so when I am in the Recruit project or any module, I'm...
    March 03, 2010