Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WinForms

    Improve Your Application's Navigation with New Breadcrumb in Telerik UI for WinForms

    DotNetT2 Light_270x123
    Learn about the improvements in our newly redesigned breadcrumb control in Telerik UI for WinForms, with tips for how to get the most out of it.
    December 27, 2019
  • Mobile Xamarin

    An Introduction to Xamarin Forms Shell

    XamarinT2 Light_270x123
    Sometimes we invest too much time building applications with complex navigations, which makes us extend the delivery period of the app and, therefore, the costs to our customers. That’s why in this article we will be learning about Xamarin.Forms Shell.
    December 13, 2019
  • Release

    What’s New in Handling Dates in Your Application’s Editors?

    With Q2 2014 we introduced a great number of highly requested features enhancing your end user’s experience with dates and time. In this blog post I will share more details about the improvements and how you can easily enable them in your applications.
    September 12, 2014
  • Release

    Improved Navigation in JustCode

    One of Telerik JustCode’s most valuable features – its quick code navigation, recently got even better. We decided to re-think the way our Camel Case Searcher works. Our main priorities were to deliver more than expected, show you what’s expected on top ASAP, and greatly improve searching flexibility – we did all that. Camel Case Searching allows you to quickly find entities by typing either their acronyms or parts of the words that are contained in it. When you use capital letters, or separating symbols, JustCode will try to match them with the word beginnings; splitting your search text with spaces...
    June 21, 2012
  • Desktop WPF

    XAMLflix Introduces RadBreadCrumb

    It's another Thursday, so by now you are anxiously awaiting the next installment of XAMLflix. Today we're diving into the navigation controls a bit to bring you RadBreadCrumb, a unique control allowing for an experience very similar to the explorer bar that you find in windows. Complete with the ability to display icons, a built-in history journal, and easy support for hierarchical navigation, RadBreadCrumb offers an intuitive way to easily navigate structured data while taking up a minimum of screen real estate. For a quick recap, XAMLflix = Videos + Projects covering all of the controls in both the RadControls for Silverlight and...
    April 12, 2012