To get the biggest bang for your reporting dollar, your organization’s reports need to maximize the value you get for the time you invest. Here are five tips (and a bonus one) to achieve that.
Reporting isn’t free, but you can maximize the value you get from investing in reporting by managing those costs. Here are five changes you can make (and a bonus one) to keep your organization’s reporting costs under control.
Telerik Reporting got a nice boost in the previous release: Users can flip between viewing and designing their reports inside the browser. See how to get this working for polished report creation.
What does Telerik Embedded Web Report Designer do? Everything you need to build the right reports for your applications. Now with even more UI/UX opportunities.
Business users are tired of hunting for a report they know they’ve seen, and once they find it still needing to toggle between applications to use it. User-created reports inside the app they’re using—this is the reporting world businesses need.