Telerik blogs
  • Release

    What’s New And Improved In JustCode Q3 2011 SP1

    Hot on the heels of the eagerly anticipated 2011 Q3 release of Telerik JustCode we publish its Service Pack. Our main goal was to improve performance and memory consumption but without forgetting about adding new functionalities and fixing the pending issues, as for example improving the existing code templates. If you want to be up to date with all that is added to JustCode, please visit our What’s New page. Test Runner With this release we introduce support for NUnit data driven tests. Now you can enhance your unit tests by using these attributes: TestCaseSource Combinatorial Sequential Pairwise Repeat Also you will see that we have made changes to the...
    December 23, 2011
  • Productivity

    Live Data and Source Code in JustTrace

    Although it was only a month ago when JustTrace Q3 2011 was released, we've launched JustTrace Q3 2011 SP1 with two new major features: a completely redone “Live Data” view and the ability to view source code. In addition, a number of enhancements have been made, resulting in a smoother user experience. Visit the What’s New page for a list of all changes. Live Data View The Live Data view has been updated to provide visual information via charts representing CPU and memory usage. This enables you to visualize how the profiled application process is currently affecting performance and memory consumption. More importantly, you now see...
    December 20, 2011
  • Productivity Testing

    Asserting a mock with test framework

    When asserting an expected call for its number of occurrences or may be just to verify if the setup/arrange is acted as intended, the tool generally raises assertion that points us to the reason why the test failed. Different mocking tools use different exception classes therefore there is no common way to consolidate them. However, if we just take a look into the test framework unless its some alien one, they all have a common underlying structure for Assert.Throws or ExpectedException (MSTest). MS Test (C# and Silverlight) Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException NUnit NUnit.Framework.AssertionException XUnit Xunit.Sdk.AssertException MSpec Machine.Specifications.SpecificationException MbUnit Gallio.Framework.Assertions.AssertionException So the point here is that if we just use the existing exception class rather...
    December 09, 2011
  • Release

    What’s New in JustDecompile Beta 3

    We release updates to JustDecompile on a regular basis to provide you with the highest quality, decompiled code, but we recently arrived at a milestone with JustDecompile Beta 3. We’re going to take a look at two highly requested features of JustDecompile that were recently added. Remember, you can always make your voice heard at the Telerik JustDecompile User Voice, and perhaps you will find your request featured in our next milestone. Zip File Distribution Telerik JustDecompile can now be downloaded as a zip file. You can put the files on a USB drive for easy access without installation, or you can put...
    December 07, 2011
  • Productivity

    Future mocking with #IgnoreInstance

    In my previous post, i showed how JustMock picks mock expectations based on current context without the instance being injected. Based on feedback we found that It’s sometimes confusing and often does not work as intended. However, the context of this post is not to introduce future mocking rather a new feature that allows you to skip mock instance intentionally (when you can’t pass the dependency through a constructor or via method argument) instead the tool is applying it for you on behalf. You can find more on future mocking and some abstract behind it from my previous post: Now moving forward, i...
    December 02, 2011