Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF / Silverlight: RadChart PointMark Customization

    RadChart supported point mark visual indicators for chart series like Line, Area, Spline, etc. from version one, however, customization of these indicators was hard and certainly not for the faint-hearted. With the latest version of the control released this week (Q1 2009 SP1) we introduced two major improvements that significantly simplify the interaction with the point mark indicators.   Option 1: Customizing the appearance of the point marks through the PointMark API and predefined point mark shapes RadChart supports 8 predefined shapes that you can use for the point marks (members of the Telerik.Windows.Controls.Charting.MarkerShape enumeration): Circle (default) Diamond Hexagon Triangle Square SquareRounded StarFiveRay StarEightRay   Here is a sample code snippet that demonstrates...
    April 14, 2009
  • Web

    Silverlight: RadChart interoperability with ASP.NET

    Now that the RadChart control has officially joined the Silverlight party you are probably considering how to incorporate this jewel in all of your web projects. Probably most of you do not have the luxury to start over from scratch and implement pure Silverlight solutions abandoning all of your ASP.NET knowledge and legacy. With this blog post I will try to provide a simple demonstration how you can take advantage of the RadChart for Silverlight and easily add it to your current ASP.NET web applications. You'll also see how you can update some of the chart properties directly from your ASP.NET...
    March 17, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Setup a simple RadChart for WPF

    To get started working with any control, I find it useful to begin with a fresh project.  So below you will see that I have very simple XAML for my WPF application which adds a RadChart to the form.  In this post, I want to demonstrate the basic setup and binding of data to the RadChart. <Window x:Class="CreateABasicChart.Window1"      xmlns=""      xmlns:x=""      Title="Window1" Height="484" Width="750" xmlns:telerik="">...
    February 10, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF / Silverlight: RadChart and MVVM

    While reviewing the daily portion of blog posts today one article at Delay’s blog here caught my attention – customizing the MS chart control via re-templating and the MVVM design pattern in order to achieve different colorization of the bar series items in a single series. We have discussed similar functionality some time ago but it seemed like a very non-mainstream scenario and based on our experience with the ASP.NET / WinForms chart it was rarely requested feature so we decided we can go without it for the time being. However, once I read the article I started thinking what it would...
    February 05, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: Customizing the chart series appearance in RadChart

    RadChart comes with a versatile collection of preset themes (Summer, Vista, Office). At times you may wish to use one of the predefined themes but customize its appearance a bit to fit your specific scenario / application and the control provides easy mechanism to achieve the desired effect. RadChart uses the concept of style palettes in order to style the various chart series. There are distinct style palettes for the various series types (Line, Bar, Pie, etc.) and each palette can contain as many style elements as you want -- the first style is applied to the first chart series of...
    January 06, 2009