Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    Why Should Developers Help With User Interface Tests?

    Automated user interface (UI) testing has a deserved reputation for being a morass of low-value, high-cost pain. Developers are already over-burdened trying to get the work in front of them completed and into the delivery pipeline. Why should they look to take on additional work in helping create functional tests at the User Interface level?
    June 04, 2014
  • Productivity Testing

    The First 2014 Test Studio Product Update is Now Available for Download

    We are happy to announce that Test Studio’s R1 product update is now live. You can get it from your Telerik account or by downloading the Test Studio files directly on the website. Check out some of the new goodies we ship with R1 2014.
  • Productivity Testing

    Test Studio Wins the Best Functional Testing Tool Award at the ATI Automation Honors

    It’s a great honor for us to have Test Studio recognized as the best commercial functional automated testing tool in the .NET category in the 5th Annual ATI Automation Awards.
  • Productivity Testing

    Top 13 Reasons to Love Automated Testing as We Leave 2013

    As 2013 is closed out and we move into the new year, it’s worthwhile going back a year and taking a look at some of the advances we’ve made in automated testing with Test Studio.  Here are  thirteen things that were noteworthy about Test Studio in 2013: We let you capture HTTP traffic directly with Fiddler, and bring that into Test Studio as an important part of your test scripts.  We continue to develop Fiddler to provide testers and other IT professionals with the best tools for capturing, analyzing, and using HTTP traffic. Colleague Jim Holmes presents five things ...
    January 03, 2014
  • Productivity

    How Many Virtual Users Per Machine?

    One of the more common questions we hear from load testers is how many virtual users can be run from one load test generating computer.  For testers wanting to exercise their web application with thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of virtual users, understanding how many test generators are needed helps them appropriately plan for load testing activities. The implications of using too few load test generators can be significant.  If the processors are too slow or the machines don’t have enough memory, it could prevent the test from accurately creating and measuring load on the application.  ...
    December 18, 2013