The secondary axes feature has been one of the most frequently requested over the time by our customers and also one of the major new development tasks that found place in our Q3.2009 schedule.
Now I’m glad to announce that the wait is near its end. Our development team did their best to not only make it happen but to make it happen in time for the Q3.2009 beta 2 release(later this week). Thus, the most enthusiastic amongst you, will have the chance to grab this early release and play around with this new stuff.
Let us have a brief look at what is coming up!
There is a new property exposed by the chart area named AdditionalYAxes of type AxisYCollection. This property holds the additional axes we want to show. Additionally, we needed a way to bind each of these new axes with the user data series - the AxisName property of the ISeriesDefinition.
Supposing that we wanted to show three visual series, each of them using a separate Y axis, we could write some code like this:
And here is the result:
Well, the three visual series look virtually equal. That is because all of them are using separate Y axes and the bars for each series are scaled within the range of the corresponding axis. If you look to the code you’ll certainly notice that the first data series does not define an additional axis name and for this reason it uses the primary Y axis.
We hope you will enjoy this new addition to the chart control. Any comment or idea which could help us to further improve this feature or the control itself is welcome..