Telerik blogs

Everyone likes to look good. We put on our new clothes when we schedule our meetings, show some data or go to the movies. And this spring we all will go freshen up our wardrobes.



For the past year we have been working out showing muscle. Our focus was on performance, feature richness and building a complete tool set. Currently there are 40+ controls in the suite ready, willing and able to work together to bring your Rich Business Applications to the next level. Being where we are it was time to add a touch of brilliance and make them look great together too.




As a part of out 2010.Q1 offering we want to bring an unparalleled visual richness to your applications. To achieve that we have done a major rework of all our themes. We used a uniform templating approach across all controls, streamlined naming conventions for resources and delivered a much more consistent look of the controls along the way.




No theme was left untouched. Some needed more attention than others, some were rebuilt from the ground up, and some were just tweaked for consistency. In any case the result is there – a sleek and consistent new look across the entire suite.




As in life beauty comes at a price. Achieving these results required, in some cases, extensive XAML rework which will be a breaking change for many of you who have heavy customizations or have built custom themes. But be not afraid as we will be there with you every step of your migration process, no matter how rocky it might be.



Yes. Everyone likes to look good. But this time putting on some make up gets us stellar.


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