Telerik blogs
With our Service Pack release coming soon, we introduce a complete change set for RadNumericUpDown both in Silverlight 3 and WPF that should resolve most of the little issues the Q2 version has. Even though we have introduced several minor breaking changes that are inevitable, we have taken a decision to include all these changes in our Service Pack release due to the increased demand for easy and simple input control. The credit for most of this fine-tuning should go to our great customers who constantly share their experience and are always willing to suggest new and innovative features.


What is new?

One of the major features introduced in our service pack release will be the NULL value support, which has been an issue for a lot of people using nullable data items. Along with that we have included a NullValue property that defines the way RadNumericUpDown will represent the null value, e.g. “Null” or ”Empty”.


RadNumericUpDown has a powerful formatting model that relies on the NumberFormatInfo class. However, being able to format complicated data and work in advanced scenarios, the NumberFormatInfo class is not the most convenient way of adjusting the number of decimal digits to represent integer values. That is why, we have introduced a new IsInteger property that will automatically correct the number of decimal digits independently of the value format of your RadNumericUpDown.


After we implemented the ShowButtons property there were several inquiries for having a ShowTextBox property which in fact transformed the RadNumericUpDown control into what we called the RadUpDown. To make the things even simpler and more straight-forward the RadUpDown control will be marked as obsolete in one of our next releases, and you will be prompted to use the RadNumericUpDown control with a ShowTextBox set to true.


Validation support is another cornerstone features included in our RadNumericUpDown control. Three visual states have been added to the control template: Valid, InvalidUnfocused, and InvalidFocused.


One of most cool features is the ability of RadNumericUpDown to interact with the RangeAttribute and adjust its properties in accordance to it. For example, if you have a property Age with a Range attribute from 18 to 30 such as:


        [Range(0, 20)] 
        public int? Age 

the RadNumericUpDown control will set its values to the one specified in the attribute. However, if you explicitly set the Maximum or Minimum property in your class they will have higher priority.


Also we have improved the decimal input support for Mac, and laptops running on Windows that experience problems with the virtual keycode table and Silverlight.


What is changed?

There is a significant change in the default values of RadNumericUpDown that will affect the behavior of your current implementation. Here is a quick list of what has been changed.
-    Default value of Maximum is changed from 1 to double.MaxValue
-    Default value of Minimum is changed from 0 to double.MinValue
-    Default value of SmallChange is changed from 0.1 to 1
-    Default value of LargeChange is changed from 1 to 10
-    Default value of Delay is changed from 250 to 150
-    Type of Value is changed from double to Nullable<double> | breaking change
-    RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> is changed to RadRangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs | breaking change


What is fixed?

-    Disabled visual state is now available in Silverlight


What is removed?

-    ChangeAcceleration is marked as obsolete.


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