When dealing with streaming data which is updated over time the end user should be able to quickly track changes at a glance. A typical application that would benefit from this would be a financial dashboard, live data monitoring and tracking systems etc. For the purpose of illustration I have prepared a small simulation of streaming financial data (stock prices) .
<Grid.Resources><DataTemplate x:Key="StockPriceTemplate"><local:StockPricePresenter StockPrice="{Binding StockPrice}" OldStockPrice="{Binding OldStockPrice}" /></DataTemplate></Grid.Resources><telerik:RadGridView x:Name="gridViewStockPrices" IsFilteringAllowed="False" ShowGroupPanel="False" Width="350" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ><telerik:RadGridView.Columns>.........<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Width="*" CellTemplate="{StaticResource StockPriceTemplate}" DataMemberBinding="{Binding StockPrice}" DataFormatString="{}{0:C}" /></telerik:RadGridView.Columns></telerik:RadGridView>
Using the CellTemplate property we can tweak the cell appearance and behavior according to our requirements.
For your copy/paste needs please download the full source code here:
(Silverlight 4 VS2010) download