Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WinForms

    (Re)Mixed Hierarchy Mode in RadGridView for WinForms

    In addition to the fact that our next release focuses mostly on our accessibility and automated testing as described in this blog post, in our upcoming version we will include many bug fixes in all RadControls for WinForms, including a highly optimized version of RadTreeView. In this article however, we want to present a new interesting feature in RadGridView that you will surely find useful. A customer of ours requested a mixed hierarchy mode where he wanted to use a self-reference hierarchy AND the classic hierarchy mode together. The scenario that he described used a file explorer where the main level...
  • Release

    RadScheduler for WinForms with New End-User Features in Q1 2011

    Q1'11will definitely be huge to RadControls for WinForms! First, it will be the first 3rd party component suite to offer Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) and Coded UI test support, which by itself is huge enough. Second, it will introduce a brand new control - RadWizard. Third, it will offer two major improvements to RadScheduler for WinForms, which will cover in this blog. And, if this isn't enough, we will also give you a brand new version of our TreeView control (which we will cover in a blog next week, so stay tuned). The two major improvements of RadScheduler for WinForms will surely...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Put Some Magic into Your Applications by Using RadWizard for WinForms

    As the next release of the Telerik Winforms controls is coming close, we would like to uncover some details regarding a new control to be released – RadWizard. The wizard control will help you to break a complex process into separate steps and provide your users with the opportunity to guide the process and make decisions – just like the well-known installation wizards. RadWizard supports both Wizard97 and Wizard Aero specifications. The control provides the developers with predesigned Welcome, Completion and Internal pages. Here is an example of the default look of a Welcome page: The design time capabilities of the RadWizard control...
    February 23, 2011
  • People Accessibility

    RadControls for WinForms will support Microsoft Active Accessibility in Q1 2011

    Telerik has always strived to make its products accessible and available to a wide range of people. It is part of Telerik's vision for providing leading developer products, just like browser support in our AJAX controls, right-to-left language support, localization, performance, and everything else that makes up excellent controls. In the upcoming Q1 2011 RadControls for WinForms will implement Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) support which will make the Telerik WinForms controls the first suite to be compliant with the latest user interface accessibility and UI automation standards (FYI, in Q1 we will also extend our localization support and support for right-to-left languages to all...
    February 15, 2011
  • Release

    Q3’10 SP1 of RadControls for WinForms available for download

    Yesterday, we released Q3 2010 SP1 which introduced many improvements and bug fixes throughout the whole suite. The most important improvements aim to satisfy the customers’ demands regarding a better RadGridView Property Builder and a new Office 2010 theme (also known as Office 2010 Silver): RadGridView Office2010 (Silver)
    December 16, 2010
  • Desktop WinForms

    (Re)Mixed Hierarchy Mode in RadGridView for WinForms

    In addition to the fact that our next release focuses mostly on our accessibility and automated testing as described in this blog post, in our upcoming version we will include many bug fixes in all RadControls for WinForms, including a highly optimized version of RadTreeView. In this article however, we want to present a new interesting feature in RadGridView that you will surely find useful. A customer of ours requested a mixed hierarchy mode where he wanted to use a self-reference hierarchy AND the classic hierarchy mode together. The scenario that he described used a file explorer where the main level...
  • Release

    RadScheduler for WinForms with New End-User Features in Q1 2011

    Q1'11will definitely be huge to RadControls for WinForms! First, it will be the first 3rd party component suite to offer Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) and Coded UI test support, which by itself is huge enough. Second, it will introduce a brand new control - RadWizard. Third, it will offer two major improvements to RadScheduler for WinForms, which will cover in this blog. And, if this isn't enough, we will also give you a brand new version of our TreeView control (which we will cover in a blog next week, so stay tuned). The two major improvements of RadScheduler for WinForms will surely...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Put Some Magic into Your Applications by Using RadWizard for WinForms

    As the next release of the Telerik Winforms controls is coming close, we would like to uncover some details regarding a new control to be released – RadWizard. The wizard control will help you to break a complex process into separate steps and provide your users with the opportunity to guide the process and make decisions – just like the well-known installation wizards. RadWizard supports both Wizard97 and Wizard Aero specifications. The control provides the developers with predesigned Welcome, Completion and Internal pages. Here is an example of the default look of a Welcome page: The design time capabilities of the RadWizard control...
    February 23, 2011
  • People Accessibility

    RadControls for WinForms will support Microsoft Active Accessibility in Q1 2011

    Telerik has always strived to make its products accessible and available to a wide range of people. It is part of Telerik's vision for providing leading developer products, just like browser support in our AJAX controls, right-to-left language support, localization, performance, and everything else that makes up excellent controls. In the upcoming Q1 2011 RadControls for WinForms will implement Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) support which will make the Telerik WinForms controls the first suite to be compliant with the latest user interface accessibility and UI automation standards (FYI, in Q1 we will also extend our localization support and support for right-to-left languages to all...
    February 15, 2011
  • Release

    Q3’10 SP1 of RadControls for WinForms available for download

    Yesterday, we released Q3 2010 SP1 which introduced many improvements and bug fixes throughout the whole suite. The most important improvements aim to satisfy the customers’ demands regarding a better RadGridView Property Builder and a new Office 2010 theme (also known as Office 2010 Silver): RadGridView Office2010 (Silver)
    December 16, 2010