Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Telerik CAB Enabling Kit for RadControls for WinForms updated to Q1 2012 SP1

    It is our pleasure to announce the availability of a new version of Telerik CAB Enabling Kit that supports the latest RadControls for WinForms Q1 2012 SP1. This update includes removing obsolete adapters, major refactoring of current Workspaces and creating a new workspace which supports all MDI application scenarios. Here is the list of the available Workspaces: RadDockWorkspace  RadPageViewWorkspace  RadFormWorkspace  RadFormMdiWorkspace  RadTabbedMdiWorkspace  In this release we have also improved the functionality of the UIAdapters and we have increased their number. Now we have a common adapter for all RadControls, which use RadItemCollection.  The available UiAdapters are: sRadCommandBarUIAdapter  sRadRibbonBarUIAdapter  sRadTreeNodeUiAdapter  sRadTreeViewUIAdapter  sRadItemCollectionUIAdapter - (RadMenu, RadStatusStrip, all controls that support RadItem collections) Telerik CAB Enabling Kit is available...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q1 2012 SP1 is here

    Just a month and a week after yet another great WinForms release, it is time to complement this release with your feedback in the form of cool improvements and fixes. Among the highlights of the release are: Support for printing of appointments grouped by resource. Localization providers for RadTimePicker and our Printing dialogs. Sorting GridViewComboBoxColumn by DisplayMember in unbound mode. A bunch of fixes. For more information, you can check our Release Notes. Go and get Q1 2012 SP1 from your Telerik account now. As always, your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Happy...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Printing with RadScheduler for WinForms in a Nutshell

    As you may already know, Q1 2012 RadControls for WinForms brought to you one much requested feature- native printing support for RadGridView and RadScheduler. Utilizing its capabilities it is as easy as pie to send the data from your control to a printer by calling a single method. However, there are also a variety of options that allow you to customize the appearance of your pages. With this post, we will take a closer look at the features and options of printing that RadScheduler provides out-of-the-box. Let’s say we have a RadScheduler populated with appointments and we want to implement...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q1’12 Refresh Brings VS11 Support, .NET 4.0 Build and Win8 Beta Compatibility

    The time has come for Microsoft to officially announce and deliver Visual Studio 11 Beta and Windows 8 Consumer Preview. We are aware that together with us you want to ride the wave of the latest innovations in the software world. Therefore, we decided that we should deliver the respective updates as soon as possible. And here they are: Visual Studio 11 Support Just install our WinForms suite on VS 11 and you will be immediately available to start working with our tools. Toolbox, design-time support, templates – all this is supported by VS 11 allowing you to continue your work with the...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q1'12 Release is Now Live!

    We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the first major release for this year. Once again, driven by your demand to have successful Windows Forms applications, we proved that Windows Forms still has its place on the big .NET stage. Here are the highlights for Q1 2012: RadTimePicker (New Control) This new control comes as a nice addition to your fill-in forms. It provides end-users with the option to quickly pick the time from a simplified drop-down in addition to picking a date from the RadDateTimePicker. RadClock (New Control) The latest release also brings a brand new RadClock control, which enables you to...
    February 17, 2012
  • Release

    Telerik CAB Enabling Kit for RadControls for WinForms updated to Q1 2012 SP1

    It is our pleasure to announce the availability of a new version of Telerik CAB Enabling Kit that supports the latest RadControls for WinForms Q1 2012 SP1. This update includes removing obsolete adapters, major refactoring of current Workspaces and creating a new workspace which supports all MDI application scenarios. Here is the list of the available Workspaces: RadDockWorkspace  RadPageViewWorkspace  RadFormWorkspace  RadFormMdiWorkspace  RadTabbedMdiWorkspace  In this release we have also improved the functionality of the UIAdapters and we have increased their number. Now we have a common adapter for all RadControls, which use RadItemCollection.  The available UiAdapters are: sRadCommandBarUIAdapter  sRadRibbonBarUIAdapter  sRadTreeNodeUiAdapter  sRadTreeViewUIAdapter  sRadItemCollectionUIAdapter - (RadMenu, RadStatusStrip, all controls that support RadItem collections) Telerik CAB Enabling Kit is available...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q1 2012 SP1 is here

    Just a month and a week after yet another great WinForms release, it is time to complement this release with your feedback in the form of cool improvements and fixes. Among the highlights of the release are: Support for printing of appointments grouped by resource. Localization providers for RadTimePicker and our Printing dialogs. Sorting GridViewComboBoxColumn by DisplayMember in unbound mode. A bunch of fixes. For more information, you can check our Release Notes. Go and get Q1 2012 SP1 from your Telerik account now. As always, your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Happy...
  • Desktop WinForms

    Printing with RadScheduler for WinForms in a Nutshell

    As you may already know, Q1 2012 RadControls for WinForms brought to you one much requested feature- native printing support for RadGridView and RadScheduler. Utilizing its capabilities it is as easy as pie to send the data from your control to a printer by calling a single method. However, there are also a variety of options that allow you to customize the appearance of your pages. With this post, we will take a closer look at the features and options of printing that RadScheduler provides out-of-the-box. Let’s say we have a RadScheduler populated with appointments and we want to implement...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q1’12 Refresh Brings VS11 Support, .NET 4.0 Build and Win8 Beta Compatibility

    The time has come for Microsoft to officially announce and deliver Visual Studio 11 Beta and Windows 8 Consumer Preview. We are aware that together with us you want to ride the wave of the latest innovations in the software world. Therefore, we decided that we should deliver the respective updates as soon as possible. And here they are: Visual Studio 11 Support Just install our WinForms suite on VS 11 and you will be immediately available to start working with our tools. Toolbox, design-time support, templates – all this is supported by VS 11 allowing you to continue your work with the...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Q1'12 Release is Now Live!

    We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the first major release for this year. Once again, driven by your demand to have successful Windows Forms applications, we proved that Windows Forms still has its place on the big .NET stage. Here are the highlights for Q1 2012: RadTimePicker (New Control) This new control comes as a nice addition to your fill-in forms. It provides end-users with the option to quickly pick the time from a simplified drop-down in addition to picking a date from the RadDateTimePicker. RadClock (New Control) The latest release also brings a brand new RadClock control, which enables you to...
    February 17, 2012