Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    How To Drag A File From Desktop And Drop It In RadTreeView Placed In WPF Application

      Sometimes we need to extend the RadTreeView’s Drag’and’Drop abilities in order to accept external data from other applications or Windows. In this post I will show you how to successfully drag and drop images from  windows desktop / windows explorer to a RadTreeView located in a running WPF Application. Imagine we want to make a tree that shows pictures and names of our favourite football teams and our favourite players in these teams. How can we achieve this ? We can first create some ViewModels: PlayerViewModel, TeamViewModel, LeagueViewModel that all inherit from BaseViewModel. The BaseViewModel will implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and will expose Name(string) and ImgSource(Uri) properties. Then we will create...
    March 29, 2011
  • Release

    RadTreeView for WinForms Q1 2011 with a new engine under the hood

    We were eagerly awaiting the Q1 release to demonstrate you the new cleaner and more flexible API that makes the work with RadTreeView fun. We also wanted to tell you something more about the benefits that come with the new data engine. Now that Q1 2011 is public and the improved RadTreeView is a fact, I would like to introduce the enhancements which we implemented during the last few months.   The new data engine that we use in RadTreeView is actually our generic data layer used in RadGridView and other controls such as RadListControl and RadDropDownList. This allowed us to add...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Roadmap: Check. Q1 2011 Released: Check.

    We are proud to announce the first major release of RadControls for WinForms for this year, where we worked towards expanding and optimizing the whole suite. To start off, I can say that we introduced a fully refurbished RadTreeView control with new UI and data layers which allow it to bind several times faster! Of course, we are trying not only to optimize the existing products, but to offer new components in the suite as well. By popular demand, we developed a brand new control that helps you break a complex process into separate steps – RadWizard. Additionally, in the spirit of...
  • Desktop WPF

    Controlling TreeView’s ExpanderStyle Dynamically

    Sometimes the TreeView is used in scenarios where the expander style must be styled in custom fashion. Prior 2010 Q3 SP1 there was no easy way to dynamically change the expander style of the TreeView or particular item. TreeView’s ExpanderStyle So we decided to extend the functionality provided by the TreeView. Prior this enhancement changes to the ExpanderStyle property during runtime would not affect already visible items. The property now supports dynamic values and data binding. This way you can easily change the style of the expander of all items in the hierarchy during runtime. Item’s ExpanderStyle Working only with the TreeView’s ExpanderStyle...
    January 17, 2011
  • Web

    TreeView BringIntoView

    Quite often TreeView is used in scenarios where a particular item should be displayed on the screen. You may want to display some item when the tree is initially shown on the screen or when a new item is added. These scenarios look simple but are a bit tricky because you have to wait until the TreeView loads and then make your desired actions. Waiting for Loaded Event TreeView provides the BringIntoView functionality in several forms: you can call BringIntoView from the tree itself and bring a child item; get some TreeViewItem by calling GetItemByPath and call BringIntoView upon this item container;...
    January 12, 2011
  • Desktop WPF

    How To Drag A File From Desktop And Drop It In RadTreeView Placed In WPF Application

      Sometimes we need to extend the RadTreeView’s Drag’and’Drop abilities in order to accept external data from other applications or Windows. In this post I will show you how to successfully drag and drop images from  windows desktop / windows explorer to a RadTreeView located in a running WPF Application. Imagine we want to make a tree that shows pictures and names of our favourite football teams and our favourite players in these teams. How can we achieve this ? We can first create some ViewModels: PlayerViewModel, TeamViewModel, LeagueViewModel that all inherit from BaseViewModel. The BaseViewModel will implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and will expose Name(string) and ImgSource(Uri) properties. Then we will create...
    March 29, 2011
  • Release

    RadTreeView for WinForms Q1 2011 with a new engine under the hood

    We were eagerly awaiting the Q1 release to demonstrate you the new cleaner and more flexible API that makes the work with RadTreeView fun. We also wanted to tell you something more about the benefits that come with the new data engine. Now that Q1 2011 is public and the improved RadTreeView is a fact, I would like to introduce the enhancements which we implemented during the last few months.   The new data engine that we use in RadTreeView is actually our generic data layer used in RadGridView and other controls such as RadListControl and RadDropDownList. This allowed us to add...
  • Release

    RadControls for WinForms Roadmap: Check. Q1 2011 Released: Check.

    We are proud to announce the first major release of RadControls for WinForms for this year, where we worked towards expanding and optimizing the whole suite. To start off, I can say that we introduced a fully refurbished RadTreeView control with new UI and data layers which allow it to bind several times faster! Of course, we are trying not only to optimize the existing products, but to offer new components in the suite as well. By popular demand, we developed a brand new control that helps you break a complex process into separate steps – RadWizard. Additionally, in the spirit of...
  • Desktop WPF

    Controlling TreeView’s ExpanderStyle Dynamically

    Sometimes the TreeView is used in scenarios where the expander style must be styled in custom fashion. Prior 2010 Q3 SP1 there was no easy way to dynamically change the expander style of the TreeView or particular item. TreeView’s ExpanderStyle So we decided to extend the functionality provided by the TreeView. Prior this enhancement changes to the ExpanderStyle property during runtime would not affect already visible items. The property now supports dynamic values and data binding. This way you can easily change the style of the expander of all items in the hierarchy during runtime. Item’s ExpanderStyle Working only with the TreeView’s ExpanderStyle...
    January 17, 2011
  • Web

    TreeView BringIntoView

    Quite often TreeView is used in scenarios where a particular item should be displayed on the screen. You may want to display some item when the tree is initially shown on the screen or when a new item is added. These scenarios look simple but are a bit tricky because you have to wait until the TreeView loads and then make your desired actions. Waiting for Loaded Event TreeView provides the BringIntoView functionality in several forms: you can call BringIntoView from the tree itself and bring a child item; get some TreeViewItem by calling GetItemByPath and call BringIntoView upon this item container;...
    January 12, 2011