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The Official Release of Kendo UI for Angular is Here_870x220

The Kendo UI for Angular final release has landed! Angular 4, Grid improvements, a date picker and more new features await. Learn more in a Webinar May 9th.

We're excited to announce that Kendo UI for Angular has officially arrived! Let's mention the important things first—the packages are compatible with Angular 4. If you're wondering if you should switch to Angular 4—do it. Angular 2 is a short-lived version, while Angular 4 promises long-term support (18 months sound like eons of internet time). If you are not ready to make the switch to Angular 4, then you should use the @ng2 dist tag (GitHub Issue ↗). More information about dist tags is available in the NPM docs

If you've been watching the Kendo UI for Angular website, including our release history, the above may not be news to you. The release announcements we publish are more of a reflection and a sum-up of the new things that have been published since the last release. The ultimate place to find changes for each package is on the respective Changelog page—some popular ones being the Grid, the Dropdowns, and the DateInputs packages.

The support of Angular 4 also affected the name of the product (we have been changing this silently for a while). We refer to it as simply Kendo UI for Angular. To avoid confusion with the pre-2 era, we usually refer to our jQuery AngularJS 1.x wrapper directives as AngularJS 1.x.

The Grid Component—Version Next

Based on your feedback, the Angular Grid component has been our number one priority for the period. The interactive live demos and the documentation speak better than any screenshots:

DatePicker is Here!

Choosing the correct date conveniently when filling a form is hard. Based on the feedback we got from you, we decided to step up our Angular DatePicker game. We have introduced a new Calendar UI with scrolling based movement through months and years, which is a change when compared to the "classic" UI from before. 

This is only a part of the story, though. The biggest change (and the one I am personally a fan of) is the introduction of the date input component, which introduces a masked input that facilitates fast and error-free date entry through the keyboard. The power users of your app will love it. 

The calendar and the date input, combined together, form the date picker—the ultimate date picking UI component. With it, you will be able to delight both the users who prefer typing and those who prefer picking the date visually. 

Bootstrap 4 Theme, and a Gorgeous New Sass Theme Builder

Bootstrap 4 has been in the works for a while, but make no mistake—once it is here, it is going to be huge, and we want to make sure that Kendo UI works flawlessly once you start your new projects with it. You can check out how all the components look on the preview page—if this is something you are after, go through the installation instructions. You want to make them look more like your brand? Tweak the colors in the theme builder, grab the _custom.scss and put it in your project. This will affect both the Kendo UI Components and the basic Bootstrap components. 

Curious for More?

To learn more about the new features of Kendo UI for Angular, sign up for the upcoming webinar on May 9th at 11AM ET. Or, if you can't wait until then, go ahead and explore what Kendo UI has to offer on the website.

Sign up for the Webinar

About the Author

Petyo Ivanov

Petyo Ivanov is a former Kendo UI Product Manager. 

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