Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM – What’s new in the latest internal build

    On 12.09.2011 we released the so anticipated OpenAccess ORM internal build 2011.02.0908 that contained a few very important improvements and fixes for our customers: - Support for SQL Azure 11.x. After OpenAccess ORM Q2 2011 was released supporting the 10.5.x version of SQL Azure, Microsoft had started updating the SQL Azure data centers to use a new version (11.x) based on the Denali codebase. Some details for this update can be found in Richard Mitchell’s blog post as well as how it can affect third party tools in the MSDN Blogs. With the internal build we have introduced support for the latest version of SQL Azure,...
    September 17, 2011
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM - Configuring MSMQ for L2Cache usage

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM uses Microsoft Message Queuing for (optional) synchronization of the L2Cache. The principal setup is described here. In some cases the default settings as described in the documentation are not sufficient. Having more than one network interface card In cases where you have more than on network interface card on the machine you are running the MSMQ, you might get into the problem, that the MSMQ doesn’t know which nic to use. In effect it starts to randomly use a nic. A message like this will appear in your event log. 1: Message Queuing found...
    August 23, 2011
  • Web

    Using Telerik OpenAccess ORM Spatial Data with RadMap for Silverlight

    Spatial data is all the rage, everyone wants a map in their application to quickly visualize data.  In a previous blog I showed how you could query, and display, SQL Spatial data on RadMap for WPF using Telerik OpenAccess ORM.  In this blog, I will show you how to display the data on RadMap for Silverlight.  This adds a slight twist because we need to transport the SQL Spatial data across a service boundary, but thanks to some updates in RadMap this is still an easy process; so lets take a look! Database Setup The first thing we need is some spatial data. In...
    July 29, 2011
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM - Execute stored procedures with out parameters, return values and multiple result sets

    This blog post will show you, how to use the new lower level ADO API to execute stored procedures that are returning out parameters, return values and multiple result sets. In this example we will use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as backend which supports combining all of these features.   The Setup We create a new Console Application project. Next we add a reverse engineered Domain Model based on the Northwind database. Let’s add a stored procedures to the database which will cover all our requested features. 1: CREATE PROCEDURE SPCombinedFeatures @InParameter INTEGER, @OutParameter INTEGER OUTPUT 2: AS 3: SET @OutParameter = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Categories]) ...
    July 25, 2011
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM - Executing an Oracle stored procedure that returns result sets

    In this blog post I will describe how easy it is, to work with the Telerik OpenAccess lower level ADO API and Oracle Stored Procedures that are returning SYS_REFCURSOR as out parameters.   The Setup For the following examples we are using a basic Console Application project, which should be enough for the purpose of this blog. We have added a Domain Model to our Solution with two Domain Classes(‘Category’ and ‘Product’). Further we added the ODP.NET Driver from Oracle( you can get it from here), which should be installed on your machine as well.     On the Oracle database, we have created 2...
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM – What’s new in the latest internal build

    On 12.09.2011 we released the so anticipated OpenAccess ORM internal build 2011.02.0908 that contained a few very important improvements and fixes for our customers: - Support for SQL Azure 11.x. After OpenAccess ORM Q2 2011 was released supporting the 10.5.x version of SQL Azure, Microsoft had started updating the SQL Azure data centers to use a new version (11.x) based on the Denali codebase. Some details for this update can be found in Richard Mitchell’s blog post as well as how it can affect third party tools in the MSDN Blogs. With the internal build we have introduced support for the latest version of SQL Azure,...
    September 17, 2011
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM - Configuring MSMQ for L2Cache usage

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM uses Microsoft Message Queuing for (optional) synchronization of the L2Cache. The principal setup is described here. In some cases the default settings as described in the documentation are not sufficient. Having more than one network interface card In cases where you have more than on network interface card on the machine you are running the MSMQ, you might get into the problem, that the MSMQ doesn’t know which nic to use. In effect it starts to randomly use a nic. A message like this will appear in your event log. 1: Message Queuing found...
    August 23, 2011
  • Web

    Using Telerik OpenAccess ORM Spatial Data with RadMap for Silverlight

    Spatial data is all the rage, everyone wants a map in their application to quickly visualize data.  In a previous blog I showed how you could query, and display, SQL Spatial data on RadMap for WPF using Telerik OpenAccess ORM.  In this blog, I will show you how to display the data on RadMap for Silverlight.  This adds a slight twist because we need to transport the SQL Spatial data across a service boundary, but thanks to some updates in RadMap this is still an easy process; so lets take a look! Database Setup The first thing we need is some spatial data. In...
    July 29, 2011
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM - Execute stored procedures with out parameters, return values and multiple result sets

    This blog post will show you, how to use the new lower level ADO API to execute stored procedures that are returning out parameters, return values and multiple result sets. In this example we will use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as backend which supports combining all of these features.   The Setup We create a new Console Application project. Next we add a reverse engineered Domain Model based on the Northwind database. Let’s add a stored procedures to the database which will cover all our requested features. 1: CREATE PROCEDURE SPCombinedFeatures @InParameter INTEGER, @OutParameter INTEGER OUTPUT 2: AS 3: SET @OutParameter = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Categories]) ...
    July 25, 2011
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM - Executing an Oracle stored procedure that returns result sets

    In this blog post I will describe how easy it is, to work with the Telerik OpenAccess lower level ADO API and Oracle Stored Procedures that are returning SYS_REFCURSOR as out parameters.   The Setup For the following examples we are using a basic Console Application project, which should be enough for the purpose of this blog. We have added a Domain Model to our Solution with two Domain Classes(‘Category’ and ‘Product’). Further we added the ODP.NET Driver from Oracle( you can get it from here), which should be installed on your machine as well.     On the Oracle database, we have created 2...