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    Silverlight 2.0 Custom Scroll Viewer with Mouse Wheel

    In this blog post i will demonstrate how to customize Scroll Viewer and enable the mouse wheel functionality. I would be using the mix08 controls for  silverlight 2.0. they are  free and with open license. Before start please download Mix08 Controls. 1. Extract them and then open MixControls, after that see generic.xaml file, and open it. Find and copy the ScrollViewer style, it should be something like: .cf { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10pt; color: black; background: white; } .cl { margin: 0px; } .cln { color: #2b91af; } .cb1 { color: #a31515; } .cb2 { color: blue; } .cb3 { color: red; } .cb4 { color: green; }    <Style x:Key="ScrollBarStyle" TargetType="ScrollBar">           <!-- Any other properties you want to set -->           <Setter Property="Template"> 2. Open your Silverlight project in VS 2008, and go to App.xaml and paste in the <Application.Resources> the style for the scroll viewer....