Telerik blogs
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    XAMLflix Video Tutorial: RadContextMenu for Silverlight and WPF

    Introduction Hello everyone! We’re back again with a new set of XAMLflix after taking some time off to prepare for TechEd 2012 and our XAML Q2 2012 release. In today’s installment of XAMLFlix, we are going to cover RadContextMenu for Silverlight and WPF. Let’s go ahead and jump into today’s set of episodes.   What is RadContextMenu? RadContextMenu for Silverlight/WPF provides the power to boost the existing navigation of your application. RadContextMenu allows you create right-click context and pop-up menus. With its advanced features, like CheckBox/RadioButton items, rich Programming and Events model, RadContextMenu gives you the entire control over its behavior. Getting Started with RadContextMenu – In this video,...
  • Web

    XAMLflix Video Tutorial: RadImageEditor for Silverlight and WPF

    Introduction Welcome back everyone to this week’s installment of XAMLFlix for Silverlight and WPF. We are going to quickly get you up to speed with RadImageEditor. If you are not familiar with XAMLFlix, then don’t worry – it is simply Telerik’s way to teach you how to use new and existing controls in short 10-minute videos. Let’s go ahead and get started. What is RadImageEditor? RadImageEditor is used to process images in Silverlight/WPF applications with no dependencies on external APIs. It supports various image processing tools and effects like resize, contrast, brightness, hue and saturation adjustments. Silverlight effects are used to execute heavy operations...
  • Mobile

    Slides, Source Code and Video to Part 1 of the “Make Money From your Windows Phone App” Webinar

    Introduction Hello everyone, I wanted to thank you all for attending the webinar on Wednesday. As I promised in the webinar all of the materials are now available for you to download and explore on your own. If you have any questions then feel free to send me a tweet on twitter or leave a comment below. I’d also suggest that you download the RadControls for Windows Phone 7 if you haven’t already. Webinar Materials Slides, Source Code and the Recorded Webinar Video for Part 1 is available now.  Please Note: The TapJoy webinar has not been posted yet. Check back on What did we...
  • Mobile

    XAMLflix Video Tutorial: RadMenu for Silverlight and WPF

    Hi Everyone, In today’s episode of XAMLFlix, we are going to take a look at RadMenu for Silverlight and WPF. In case you are not familiar with XAMLFlix, it is Telerik’s way of getting you up to speed with our XAML controls in short 8-10 minute videos. Our Silverlight and WPF control suite share a common codebase and API, so you can literally copy/paste the code between projects! Yet another reason to check out our controls. In case you have missed any episode, they can be found at Let’s go ahead and get started with RadMenu. RadMenu for Silverlight and WPF lets...
  • Mobile

    Comparison of RadControls for Windows Phone and the Windows Phone Toolkit.

    Overview RadControls for Windows Phone 7 completes the missing controls and functionalities from the UI Toolbox for Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone Toolkit. We not only offer controls not found in those resources, but we build upon existing controls they have created to offer our users a better experience. Our controls also aim to cut the development time by providing controls based on user feedback. Lastly, our controls are optimized for performance. A quick example of this is our RadDataBoundListBox compared to the ListBox offered in the Toolkit. Our control can handle hundreds of thousands of records without performance degradation....