Telerik blogs
  • Desktop

    Creating A RadCartesianChart – Line Graph

    In this post, I will explore creating a line chart using the RadCartesianChart from the Telerik Windows 8 UI Controls.  You can Download Telerik Widows 8 Controls here. Figure 1 shows the chart we wish to build. This is a linear chart built with a RadCartesianChart. It represents revenue for the last six months of 2012, The best way to approach building a line chart (or any chart) is to start with the data you wish to display. In this case, we will use mock data representing Monthly Revenue earned from July through December 2012. The class that will hold our data...
    August 16, 2012
  • Mobile

    Data Binding In Windows 8. Part 3–Element Binding

    In my previous post, I discussed the three modes of DataBinding for Windows 8. Today we’ll take a brief look at binding not to data, but rather binding one UI element to the value of another.  In this example, we’ll bind the IsActive property of the ProgressRing to the IsChecked property’s value in a CheckBox.  <StackPanel> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left" > <TextBlock ...
    August 15, 2012
  • Release

    RadControls for Metro Ready to Rock & Roll With Windows 8 RTM and Visual Studio RTM

    We are very proud to announce that once again Telerik is first to market, this time with a suite of controls for Windows 8 Metro programming that are 100% compatible with the release of Visual Studio 2012 and the release of Windows 8 RTM. What’s In RadControls For Metro? RadControls For Metro is a new suite of controls targeted directly at Windows 8 development, whether your language of choice is C#/XAML or Javascript/HTML5.  The suite includes a number of controls that are not in the Windows 8 Toolbox, along with a few controls that offer more powerful versions of standard controls. Each of...
    August 15, 2012
  • Web

    Introduction to RadBulletGraph

    When you install RadControls for Metro two files are placed on your desktop. One is the QSF for HTML/JavaScript and the other is for XAML/C#. Not only will these samples demonstrate how powerful the controls are, the code in the sample applications can serve as an excellent learning tool. In this blog post, I will tease out of the QSF for XAML the fundamentals of creating a RadBulletGraph. A bullet graph is a very concise way to convey a primary measure (e.g., current revenue) compared to one or more other measures (e.g., a target revenue) in the context of qualitative ranges (e.g,...
    August 13, 2012
  • Mobile

    Windows 8–Data binding Part 2

    In my previous blog post I introduced data binding.  It worked, but there was no mechanism for updating.  Updating comes in two flavors, and these are often confused by folks new to databinding: Someone else updates the underlying data; we’d like the display to be updated The user updates the data on the display, we’d like the underlying data to be updated The first case arises because most of the time you are not the only user of your program – other users may be connected to the same data and while you are looking at your data someone else...
    August 13, 2012