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Responsive TileLayout


ProductTileLayout for Blazor


I would like to change the dimensions of the Tile Layout when the user changes the browser window size.


Generally, the Width and Height parameters of the component can take values in %, and the TileLayout will render according to the dimensions of its parent element.

This works well for the initial rendering and the component will be "responsive" immediately according to your layout, regardless of the display (desktop, tablet, phone).

When the layout changes dynamically at runtime, you can use the TelerikMediaQuery component to respond to changes of the browser window size. This would allow you to change one or more of the parameters of the component like Columns, ColumnWidth, and RowHeight.

@* Resize the browser to width to less than 767px to change the layout of the component.  *@

<TelerikMediaQuery Media="@MediaQuery" OnChange="@((doesMatch) => isSmallScreen = doesMatch)"></TelerikMediaQuery>

<TelerikTileLayout Columns="@(isSmallScreen ? 1 : 2)"
                   ColumnWidth="@(isSmallScreen ? "150px" : "200px")"
                   Width="@(isSmallScreen ? "500px" : "1200px")">
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 1">
            <Content>Regular sized first panel.</Content>
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 2">
            <Content>You can put components in the tiles too.</Content>
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 3">
            <Content>This tile is three rows tall.</Content>
        <TileLayoutItem HeaderText="Panel 4">
            <Content>This tile is two rows tall and two columns wide</Content>

@code {
    private string MediaQuery { get; set; } = "(max-width: 767px)";
    private bool isSmallScreen { get; set; }
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