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Differences Between Telerik Popup Components


Product UI for Blazor,
AnimationContainer for Blazor,
Dialog for Blazor,
Popover for Blazor,
Popup for Blazor,
Tooltip for Blazor,
Window for Blazor


This KB article answers the following questions:

  • What are the differences between the Dialog and the Window component? Dialog vs Window comparison.
  • What are the differences between the Popover and the Tooltip? Popover vs Tooltip comparison.
  • When should you use one popup component over another?


Here are the unique features and distinguishing characteristics of all Telerik UI for Blazor popup components:

The following table provides another point of view for easier comparison.

Component Comparison

ComponentRendering Location *Position Relative ToAnchor ElementsBuilt-in Styled ContentModalityResizing and Dragging
AnimationContainerin-placedepends on positioned containers and Top and Left0, but can be simulatednonenono
Dialogrootpage0header with optional close button, footer with action buttonsyesno
Popoverrootanchor element1, limited support for multipleheader, footer with action buttons, calloutnono
Popuprootanchor element1nonenono
Tooltiprootanchor elementunlimitedicons, calloutnono
Windowdepends on ContainmentSelectorpage0header with actionsdepends on Modalyes

* Root rendering location means as a direct child of the TelerikRootComponent. In-place is how Blazor components normally work.

See Also