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Built-in Tools

The Telerik ToolBar for Blazor allows you to use built-in buttons and button groups or to add a custom tool. The available built-in tools are:


A toolbar button is a plain button that you can click and it raises an event so the application can respond to that.

You can add multiple buttons to the Telerik Toolbar. To do that you should add the <ToolBarButton> to the <TelerikToolBar>.

ToolBarButton parameters

The nested ToolBarButton tag exposes parameters that allow you to customize the buttons:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
ClassstringThe CSS class that will be rendered on the main wrapping element of the ToolbarButton. You could use that class to cascade styles.
Specifies if the button is clickable.
IconobjectAdds a font icon to the button. You can find more information on adding a font icon to a Telerik Component in Telerik Font and Svg Icons article.
OverflowToolBarItemOverflow enum
Specifies whether the item will be hidden when the ToolBar is resized.
OverflowTextstringDefines the button text that will be shown only in the overflow popup. If not specified, it will get the default text of the item.
TitlestringMaps to the title HTML attribute for the <button>.
Specifies if the button will be visible in the toolbar.

The Telerik ToolBar with ToolBarButtons

Blazor Toolbar Toolbarbutton Example

@*This example shows the TelerikToolBar with ToolBarButtons and their features*@

    <ToolBarButton Icon="@("bold")" Class="myBoldButton" Enabled="@true" Visible="true" Title="Bold Button" OnClick="@OnBold">Bold</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Italic" Class="myItalicButton" Enabled="@false" Visible="true" Title="Italic Button" OnClick="@OnItalic">Italic</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarButton Icon="SvgIcon.Underline" Class="myUnderlineButton" Enabled="@true" Visible="true" Title="Underline Button" OnClick="@OnUnderline">Underline</ToolBarButton>

@code {
    public void OnBold()
        Console.WriteLine("The user clicked on the bold button");

    public void OnItalic()
        Console.WriteLine("The user clicked on the italic button");

    public void OnUnderline()
        Console.WriteLine("The user clicked on the underline button");


A toolbar toggle button has two states - normal and selected - and clicking it can toggle between them through two-way binding or an event.

You can add multiple toggle buttons to the Telerik Toolbar. To do that you should add the <ToolBarToggleButton> to the <TelerikToolBar>.

ToolBarToggleButton parameters

The nested ToolBarToggleButton tag exposes parameters that allow you to customize the buttons:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
ClassstringThe CSS class that will be rendered on the main wrapping element of the ToolbarButton. You could use that class to cascade styles.
Specifies if the button is clickable.
IconobjectAdds a font icon to the button. You can find more information on adding a font icon to a Telerik Component in Telerik Font and Svg Icons article.
SelectedboolSpecifies whether the button is in selected state. You can use it with one and two-way data binding with the SelectedChanged event. For more information on how to handle the SelectedChanged event see the Events article.
SpriteClassstringAdd a sprite class image to the button. Set this attribute to k-icon MySpriteClass where MySpriteClass defines the CSS rules for the sprite.
OverflowToolBarItemOverflow enum
Specifies whether the item will be hidden when the ToolBar is resized.
OverflowTextstringDefines the button text that will be shown only in the overflow popup. If not specified, it will get the default text of the item.
TitlestringMaps to the title HTML attribute for the <button>.
Specifies if the button will be visible in the toolbar.

The Telerik ToolBar with ToolBarToggleButtons

Blazor Toolbar Togglebutton Example

@*This example shows the TelerikToolBar with ToolBarToggleButton and its available features*@

    <ToolBarToggleButton @bind-Selected="@Selected"
        Toggle Fullscreen

@code {
    public bool Selected { get; set; } = true;

    public void ToggleFullScreen()
        if (Selected)
            Console.WriteLine("The user is in full screen");
            Console.WriteLine("The user exited full screen");


The button group is a container for one or more buttons that renders them together and spaces them out from the adjacent buttons or groups.

You can add one or more group of buttons to the Toolbar. To do that you should add the <ToolBarButtonGroup> to the <TelerikToolBar>. In the button group you can place either the ToolBarButton or the ToolBarToggleButton.

ToolBarButtonGroup parameters

The nested ToolBarButtonGroup tag exposes parameters that allow you to customize the buttons:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
ClassstringThe CSS class that will be rendered on the main wrapping element of the ToolBarButtonGroup. You could use that class to cascade styles.
Specifies if the group is clickable.
SelectionModeButtonGroupSelectionMode enum
Specifies whether you can select one or multiple buttons from the group at the same time (applicable for ToolBarToggleButton instances inside it).
OverflowToolBarItemOverflow enum
Specifies whether the item will be hidden when the ToolBar is resized.
OverflowTextstringDefines the button text that will be shown only in the overflow popup. If not specified, it will get the default text of the item.
Specifies if the group will be visible in the toolbar.
WidthstringAllows you to control the width of the group.

The Telerik ToolBar with grouped buttons

Blazor Toolbar Grouped Buttons

@*This example shows the TelerikToolBar with grouped ToolBarButtons*@

    <ToolBarButtonGroup Visible="true"
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@("bold")">Bold</ToolBarButton>
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Italic">Italic</ToolBarButton>
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Underline">Underline</ToolBarButton>

See Also