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Templated (Custom) Item

The Telerik ToolBar for Blazor allows you to add a custom element. To use it, add the <ToolBarTemplateItem> inside the <TelerikToolBar>. In it, you can add HTML and components according to your application needs.

You can use that item to add complex toolbars to your application, which have dropdowns, inputs and other components. You can handle any events and use any API they expose to built your business logic.

Add a Telerik DropDownList to the ToolBar

templated item for the ToolBar

@*Use the templated item to add a Telerik DropDownList to the ToolBar*@

        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Bold">Bold</ToolBarButton>
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Italic">Italic</ToolBarButton>
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Underline">Underline</ToolBarButton>
    <ToolBarSeparator />

        <TelerikDropDownList Data="@Roles" Value="@SelectedRole" ValueChanged="@( (string v) => RoleChange(v) )"></TelerikDropDownList>

@code {
    public bool Selected { get; set; } = true;

    public string SelectedRole { get; set; }

    public List<string> Roles { get; set; } = new List<string>()
         "Manager", "QA", "Developer", "Support"

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        SelectedRole = Roles.FirstOrDefault();

    void RoleChange(string newRole)
        // use the argument, or use the Value with two-way binding and other events like OnChange
        SelectedRole = newRole;
        Console.WriteLine($"The user is now in the {SelectedRole} role");


  • Template items cannot be part of a ToolBarButtonGroup.
  • Template items do not participate in the ToolBar's adaptive behavior and don't expose Overflow and OverFlowText parameters. This is because template items do not have a predefined click action to be triggered from an item in the overflow popup.

See Also

In this article
NotesSee Also
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