This article explains the events available in the Telerik Textbox for Blazor:
The OnChange
event represents a user action - confirmation of the current value. It fires when the user presses Enter
in the input, or when the input loses focus.
Handle OnChange
<br />
<TelerikTextBox OnChange="@MyOnChangeHandler"></TelerikTextBox>
@code {
string result;
private void MyOnChangeHandler(object theUserInput)
// the handler receives an object that you may need to cast
result = string.Format("The user entered: {0}", theUserInput);
The event is an
. It can be synchronous and returnvoid
, or asynchronous and returnasync Task
. Do not useasync void
event is a custom event and does not interfere with bindings, so you can use it together with models and forms.
Handle OnChange and use two-way binding
<br />
model value: @theTbValue
<br />
<TelerikTextBox OnChange="@MyOnChangeHandler" @bind-Value="theTbValue"></TelerikTextBox>
@code {
string result;
string theTbValue { get; set; } = "lorem ipsum";
private void MyOnChangeHandler(object theUserInput)
// the handler receives an object that you may need to cast
result = string.Format("The user entered: {0}", theUserInput);
The ValueChanged
event fires upon every change (for example, keystroke) in the input.
Handle ValueChanged
<br />
<TelerikTextBox ValueChanged="@MyValueChangeHandler"></TelerikTextBox>
@code {
string result;
private void MyValueChangeHandler(string theUserInput)
result = string.Format("The user entered: {0}", theUserInput);
The event is an
. It can be synchronous and returnvoid
, or asynchronous and returnasync Task
. Do not useasync void
Handle ValueChanged and provide initial value
from the handler: @result
<br />
from model: @theTbValue
<br />
<TelerikTextBox ValueChanged="@MyValueChangeHandler" Value="@theTbValue"></TelerikTextBox>
@code {
string result;
public string theTbValue { get; set; } = "lorem ipsum";
private void MyValueChangeHandler(string theUserInput)
result = string.Format("The user entered: {0}", theUserInput);
//you have to update the model manually because handling the ValueChanged event does not let you use @bind-Value
theTbValue = theUserInput;
The OnBlur
event fires when the component loses focus.
Handle the OnBlur event
@* You do not have to use OnChange to react to loss of focus *@
<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value="@TheValue"
async Task OnBlurHandler()
Console.WriteLine($"BLUR fired, current value is {TheValue}.");
string TheValue { get; set; }