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DrillDown Charts

The Telerik UI for Blazor Chart supports drilldown functionality for exploring data.

The drill-down feature allows the users to click on a data point (for example, bar, column, pie segment, etc.) to navigate to a different view that contains finer-grained data like breakdown by product of the selected category. The view hierarchy can be displayed in a Breadcrumb for easy navigation back to previous views.

Configuring DrillDown Charts

To configure Chart series for drill-down:

  1. Prepare the data in the appropriate format. Each series data that will be drilled-down must contain a property of type ChartSeriesDescriptor. The descriptor includes all the parameters of the ChartSeries tag and acts as a container holding information about the series displayed upon user-initiated drill-down.
  2. Specify the drilldown field (the ChartSeriesDescriptor field) of the series data by using the ChartSeries.DrilldownField or ChartSeriesDescriptor.DrilldownField property.

Chart DrillDown

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
                     Name="Total Sales By Company"

@code {
    private List<CompanyModel> Data { get; set; } = new List<CompanyModel>();

    private static List<CompanyModel> GetSeriesData()
        var data = new List<CompanyModel>()
            new CompanyModel()
                Name = "Company A",
                Sales = 100M,
                Details = new ChartSeriesDescriptor()
                    Name = "Company A Sales By Product",
                    Type = ChartSeriesType.Column,
                    Field = nameof(ProductModel.Sales),
                    CategoryField = nameof(ProductModel.Name),
                    Data = new List<ProductModel>()
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 1", Sales = 10M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 2", Sales = 20M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 3", Sales = 30M },
            new CompanyModel()
                Name = "Company B" ,
                Sales = 200M,
                Details = new ChartSeriesDescriptor()
                    Name = "Company B Sales By Product",
                    Type = ChartSeriesType.Column,
                    Field = nameof(ProductModel.Sales),
                    CategoryField = nameof(ProductModel.Name),
                    Data = new List<ProductModel>()
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 1", Sales = 30M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 2", Sales = 20M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 3", Sales = 10M },
        return data;

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Data = GetSeriesData();
        return base.OnInitializedAsync();

    public class CompanyModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Sales { get; set; }
        public ChartSeriesDescriptor Details { get; set; }

    public class ProductModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Sales { get; set; }

Configuring Breadcrumb Navigation

Optionally, you can display a Breadcrumb component to show the drill-down levels.

  1. Declare a TelerikChartBreadcrumb component.
  2. Set the ChartId parameter of the Breadcrumb. It must match the Id of the Chart that will be associated with the Breadcrumb.

Configuring Breadcrumb for Chart Drilldown

<TelerikChartBreadcrumb ChartId="@ChartId"></TelerikChartBreadcrumb>

<TelerikChart Id="@ChartId">
        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
                     Name="Total Sales By Company"

@code {
    private const string ChartId = "chart1";

    private List<CompanyModel> Data { get; set; } = new List<CompanyModel>();

    private static List<CompanyModel> GetSeriesData()
        var data = new List<CompanyModel>()
            new CompanyModel()
                Name = "Company A",
                Sales = 100M,
                Details = new ChartSeriesDescriptor()
                    Name = "Company A Sales By Product",
                    Type = ChartSeriesType.Column,
                    Field = nameof(ProductModel.Sales),
                    CategoryField = nameof(ProductModel.Name),
                    Data = new List<ProductModel>()
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 1", Sales = 10M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 2", Sales = 20M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 3", Sales = 30M },
            new CompanyModel()
                Name = "Company B" ,
                Sales = 200M,
                Details = new ChartSeriesDescriptor()
                    Name = "Company B Sales By Product",
                    Type = ChartSeriesType.Column,
                    Field = nameof(ProductModel.Sales),
                    CategoryField = nameof(ProductModel.Name),
                    Data = new List<ProductModel>()
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 1", Sales = 30M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 2", Sales = 20M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 3", Sales = 10M },

        return data;

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Data = GetSeriesData();
        return base.OnInitializedAsync();

    public class CompanyModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Sales { get; set; }
        public ChartSeriesDescriptor Details { get; set; }

    public class ProductModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Sales { get; set; }

Reset Drilldown Level

To reset the drilldown level programmatically, use the ResetDrilldownLevel method of the Chart. To invoke the method, obtain a reference to the Chart instance with the @ref directive.

Reset Chart Drilldown Level Programmatically

<TelerikButton OnClick="@ResetDrilldownLevel">Reset Drilldown level the Chart</TelerikButton>

<TelerikChartBreadcrumb ChartId="@ChartId"></TelerikChartBreadcrumb>

<TelerikChart Id="@ChartId"
        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
                     Name="Total Sales By Company"

@code {
    private TelerikChart ChartRef { get; set; } = null!;

    private void ResetDrilldownLevel()

    private const string ChartId = "chart1";

    private List<CompanyModel> Data { get; set; } = new List<CompanyModel>();

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Data = GetSeriesData();
        return base.OnInitializedAsync();

    private static List<CompanyModel> GetSeriesData()
        var data = new List<CompanyModel>()
            new CompanyModel()
                Name = "Company A",
                Sales = 100M,
                Details = new ChartSeriesDescriptor()
                    Name = "Company A Sales By Product",
                    Type = ChartSeriesType.Column,
                    Field = nameof(ProductModel.Sales),
                    CategoryField = nameof(ProductModel.Name),
                    Data = new List<ProductModel>()
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 1", Sales = 10M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 2", Sales = 20M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 3", Sales = 30M },
            new CompanyModel()
                Name = "Company B" ,
                Sales = 200M,
                Details = new ChartSeriesDescriptor()
                    Name = "Company B Sales By Product",
                    Type = ChartSeriesType.Column,
                    Field = nameof(ProductModel.Sales),
                    CategoryField = nameof(ProductModel.Name),
                    Data = new List<ProductModel>()
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 1", Sales = 30M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 2", Sales = 20M },
                        new ProductModel() { Name = "Product 3", Sales = 10M },

        return data;

    public class CompanyModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Sales { get; set; }
        public ChartSeriesDescriptor Details { get; set; }

    public class ProductModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public decimal Sales { get; set; }

See Also