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AutoComplete Filter

The AutoComplete component can filter the available suggestions, according to the current input. In this way users can find the desired value faster. To see the difference in behavior, visit the Live Demo: AutoComplete Filtering page.

To enable filtering, set the Filterable parameter to true. The filtering is case insensitive.

You can also use the OnRead event to:

Filter Operator

The default filter operator is starts with. You can choose a different operator through the FilterOperator parameter that takes a member of the Telerik.Blazor.StringFilterOperator enum.

Minimum Length

To control when the filter list appears, set the MinLength parameter. This can be useful if you have a very large list of data or a lot of similar items.


By default, the filtering is debounced with 150ms. Configure that with the DebounceDelay parameter of the component.

Filtering Example

Filtering in the AutoComplete

            Filter operator:
            <TelerikDropDownList @bind-Value="@FilterOperator"
                                 Width="160px" />
            Minimum string length before filtering:
            <TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@FilterMinLength" Min="0" Width="100px" />
            Debounce delay:
            <TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@AutoCompleteDebounceDelay" Min="0" Width="120px" />

<br />

<TelerikAutoComplete Data="@Suggestions"
                     Placeholder="Type 's' or 'a' to see the difference"
                     Width="300px" />

    private string AutoCompleteValue { get; set; }

    private List<StringFilterOperator> FilterOperators =>

    private StringFilterOperator FilterOperator { get; set; } = StringFilterOperator.StartsWith;

    private int FilterMinLength { get; set; } = 1;

    private int AutoCompleteDebounceDelay { get; set; } = 150;

    private List<string> Suggestions { get; set; } = new List<string> {
        "Manager", "Developer", "QA", "Technical Writer", "Support Engineer", "Sales Agent", "Architect", "Designer"

See Also