Increased spacing between checkboxes/radio buttons and their labels
Notification text color should have contrast
Kendo UI Scaffolder should use a new VS 2017 extensibility format
Wrong checkbox appearance in different states (hover/focus/checked/unchecked)
fix: Wrong color in the grid column menu
DropDowns Popup appears in wrong position in IE in RTL mode when the page is scrolled miss 'edge' and 'mozilla' flags in TypeScript definitions
support.placeholder misspelled in TypeScript definitions
keys.NUMPAD_DOT missing in TypeScript definitions
clearFileByUid typescript definition typescript definition is missing edge as an option
Widget does not position popup element correctly in Windows 8 (touch enabled device)
Filter popup icons are too close to the text, there is not enough separating space.
Wrong icons color in Material themes.
Incorrect icon colors
The styling/panels demo is not styled for SASS themes
k-ng-model not set correctly with cascading ComboBoxes
MobileView header has zero height when its title has not value
mapValueTo: "dataItem" option does not apply selection in the list
The selectedDataItems method returns always only the last selected item
Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
Unexpected padding-right: 1.9em of clearable inputs in RTL
Non-text Image Button image not centered vertically
Button icons don't align correctly when font-size is bigger or less than 14px;
Icon Button should be square
Improved calendar keyboard navigation
Add multiple date selection to Calendar
Hover style is not removed from navigation arrow when it becomes disabled
Widget "century" view does not support min value equal to "0001-01-01"
Widget "century" view does not support dates less then 200 year
Inconsistent appearance on hovering first/last year in Calendar decade view with Default, Black, Blue Opal, High Contrast, Moonlight, Silver and Uniform themes
Range Area Chart
Chart rtl support
Normal area series and reversed area series in one chart is not working
An error is thrown when setting "smooth" to any of the series except the first one in area chart
getAxis does not return axis in a custom visual handler during the initial rendering.
Grouped Line Chart data disappears from 2017 R1
Justified category axis could lead to missing dataItem in point tooltip template
Line chart with invisible points fails to render
Pie chart hangs browser on some values
Labels are needlessly rotated when using auto rotation and reversed axis.
White space in text is collapsed when rendering as SVG
k-ng-model not set correctly with cascading ComboBoxes
ComboBox dataSource query() method throws an error when a configuration object parameter is set
mapValueTo: "dataItem" option does not apply selection in the list
SelectedItem in ComboBox cannot be removed (trough X button) in AngularJS scenario
Top group header stays displayed, even when there are not matches.
Loader is displayed in DropDownList/ComboBox when remote request is prevented on requestStart
Cannot select Item with value 0 in ComboBox and DropdownList
Mouse cursor automatically moved at the end of the text in the ComboBox input
Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
Dropdown height is incorrect when there is h* element in HeaderTemplate
Widget doesn't keep caret position on typing
Unexpected padding-right: 1.9em of clearable inputs in RTL
Grid infinite scroll
Improving performance with paging and sorting of DataSource with local data
DataSourceRequest Error is thrown in Kendo.MVC for Core 2.0 web application targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1
Hover style is not removed from navigation arrow when it becomes disabled
Maximum call stack size exceeded if en-US culture is used with DatePicker
Kendo UI DatePicker and DateTimePicker MVVM initialization ignores data-week-number option
Hover style is not removed from navigation arrow when it becomes disabled
Maximum call stack size exceeded if en-US culture is used with DatePicker
Kendo UI DatePicker and DateTimePicker MVVM initialization ignores data-week-number option
Errors for Alert, Confirm and Prompt when building kendo typescript definitions using Typescript version 2.4
Displaced Dialog close button
grid widget extension — drawDOM / pdf.saveAs — headers do not repeat when repeatHeaders true
Path is not drawn correctly by Drawing API
White space in text is collapsed when rendering as SVG
DropDownList with virtualization enabled and pageSize set throws js exception (MVVM binding)
Double-clicking on a DropDownList makes it constantly focused
mapValueTo: "dataItem" option does not apply selection in the list
Loader is displayed in DropDownList/ComboBox when remote request is prevented on requestStart
Cannot select Item with value 0 in ComboBox and DropdownList
Filtering closes the keyboard in Android
Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
Dropdown height is incorrect when there is h* element in HeaderTemplate
Keyboard navigation is not working when mapValueTo: "dataItem"
Allow customization of the columns of color picker tools' palette
When the selection is in the begging of a non first list item and backspace is clicked, its content should be moved to the the previous one.
Insert images into editor content via drag&drop from local file system
Editor's resize handle overlaps the vertical scroll bar's down arrow
Editor tools icons color is not consistent in all themes
Kendo loader does not hide after successfully deleting an image or deleting / creating a new folder in Editor's Insert image dialog
Kendo Editor with textarea does not trigger the document's change event
Broken layout of Editor's Image/File Browser dialog toolbar, if font-size is not 12px in all LESS themes
Bullet list wrong cursor position after deletion
Menu closes after context menu of the browser is opened and hovered.
Gantt toolbar border radius does not use variables in Bootstrap v3 theme
Gantt always escapes HTML elements passed as part of its Header Templates
Displaced Gantt task percentage complete handle
DateTime pickers on the Gantt edit form are wider than the other inputs in Material, Fiori and Nova themes
Gantt task displacements in Material, Material Black and Nova themes in RTL
Illegible Gantt tasks text in Office 365 theme
Inconsistent appearance of Gantt Views chooser with Fiori Theme
Some culture files are outdated due to differences between Windows 8 and Windows 10 date formats
Wrong number formatting in es-SV culture (possibly others too)
Grid infinite(endless) scroll
Full support of CRUD operations with Virtual scrolling
Persist dirty indicator with batch editing and client-side operations
Grid keyboard navigation improvements.
Improving performance with paging and sorting of DataSource with local data
The Grid PDF export produces misaligned footer template when there is a hidden column.
Column menu icon in Grid headers are broken in SASS themes in IE
Grid "selectable" column does not remove the selected state from the unlocked columns table
If paperSize option is used together with footer template pdf export is misaligned
When an input element is focused, the Grid will not receive the focus when clicked, and the keyboard navigation is not working.
Grid Filter Checkbox not cleared on filter click
The page size dropdown instantly closes in Chrome
When the Grid is with persistSelection the selectedKeyNames method will still return the selected IDs after the clearSelection metho is used.
Wrong color in the grid column menu
The DropDown used for chaning the Grid current page, is not closing on mobile devices when clicking outside of it.
Grid deselecting all rows with master checkbox fires change event two times
Keyboard navigation should persist column index
Sort icon in grouped item is broken.
Filter with empty object and array is not clearing the hierarchical filter
"Maximum call stack size exceeded" error thrown by the HierarchicalDataSource with remote data and client-side filtering
HierarchicalDataSource filter not working with serverFiltering true
"Maximum call stack size exceeded" error thrown by the HierarchicalDataSource
Icon of map's marker is displaced in LESS themes.
Allow openOnClick configuration for rootMenuItems and subMenuItems
Menu closes after context menu of the browser is opened and hovered.
On root Menu item click its opened submenu closes (IE)
Menu's width is calculated as zero, when scrollable is enabled and the menu gets hidden in 700px screen size
Cannot fire select event with encoded: false in Menu
Kendo Menu k-state-focused bug
Focused Menu items are not highlighted in Material, Material Black and Office 365 themes
MobileView header has zero height when its title has not value
mapValueTo: "dataItem" option does not apply selection in the list
MultiSelect items appearance is wrong when placed inside a Grid popup edit form (Nova theme)
Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
Dropdown height is incorrect when there is h* element in HeaderTemplate
No style is applied to the Multiselect focused items if they are already selected
Unexpected darker corners of Multiselect when not hovered in Material theme
Incorrect position of MultiSelect's item close icon with Material, MaterialBlack, Nova and Fiori themes
NumericTextBox does not allow currency character to be pasted together with the numeric value
PDF Export
The Grid PDF export produces misaligned footer template when there is a hidden column.
text-transform: uppercase is ignored on PDF export
Kendo UI Drawing Api with IE Edge misalignment
Links which wrap a img element are not exported as expected on PDF.
If paperSize option is used together with footer template pdf export is misaligned
Generated pdf document cannot be saved using saveAs
The DropDown used for chaning the Grid current page, is not closing on mobile devices when clicking outside of it.
PanelBar node's aria-hidden attribute on ul elements is not updated on interaction with nodes
PanelBar node's aria-expanded attribute is false for initially expanded nodes
Images are not vertically centered PanelBar with Fiori, Material, Material Black, Nova and Office 365
Sprites are not vertically centered PanelBar with Black, Blue Opal, Bootstrap v3, Default, Fiori, Flat, High Contrast, Metro, Metro Black, Moonlight, Nova, Office 365, Silver and Uniform themes
PivotGrid renders some footer values as member values after collapse
PivotGrid does not display all sub fields after reordering.
The view() method is documented as void, but it returns an object
Allow time slot start and end times to span between 2 days in Timeline view
Selected events between resources and add ability to deselected with ctrl
FIXED throws an error when no group.resources are set
Keyboard navigation beyond the date set to the Scheduler's max option crashes the browser
Moving a Scheduler event across the Daylight Saving Time transition date adds hours to its duration
Scheduler "Today" button does not navigate to the correct day according to the timezone set
Dragging a Scheduler event to the AllDaySlot and back changes the event's duration
Scheduler does not display event on the spring daylight saving day with workDayStart configured
Scheduler throws n.innerRect is not a function error when creating an event with duration of 24 hours, which spans over the spring daylight saving change
Scheduler incorrectly calculates recurring events start/end time in daylight saving scenarios
Event view of the mobile Scheduler with Flat theme has missing icons and misalignments.
Cancelling Edit on Recurring appointment removes the 'edited' occurence from UI
When start editing a single occurrence of reoccurring event, change Start time or All day value and then cancel the edit, the event disappears from Scheduler
Event created on 10/30/2016 is not rendered in DayView
Scheduler throws n.innerWidth is not a function(…) error, when creating an event with duration of 23h or more on the day of Daylight saving change
Scheduler generates incorrectly recurring daily events (every second day), when created before daylight saving change and ending after that
DST recurring event is not rendered correctly, when Scheduler and events are in different timezones
Buttons are displaced in 'Delete Recurring Item' dialog with Material skin
Scheduler does not expand recurring events with 2 weeks interval
Occurrences are rendered unexpectedly
Widget does not expand 'daily' frequency with interval:2 correctly
Missing Scheduler View chooser toggle arrow
fix(spreadsheet): Use font icon for page orientation preview in export dialog
Improve performance of copy-paste from Excel to Spreadsheet
Keep all values available in the column filter menu, even if filter by value has been already applied
Wrong number rounding when cell format is applied to a formula
Editing a range selection doesn't allow tabular editing
JS error on undo after pasting text from external source in Spreadsheet cell
String starting with a date (Mar 2017 randomText) is converted to date on pasting in a Spreadsheet cell, stripping the non-date part
Spreadsheet freeze panes + borders on merged cells results in missing borders after scroll
Spreadsheet "sort" breaks formula cell references [fix included].
Spreadsheet export to Excel does not work if there is a merged cell in row 10+
Applying filter by value and then filter by condition on the same column results in an error
Spreadsheet steals the focus from the focused element when keyboard down / up arrow is pressed
defaultCellStyle could not be set on the Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet loses Time, when editing cell with custom Date and Time formatting
Editing cells in range, when filter is applied, modifies the cells in between
Bad icons in Spreadsheet's Export PDF dialog
Spreadsheet destroy method does not terminate the widget completely.
Change the icon of the Export button
Missing Spreadsheet toolbar buttons localization
Undo is not triggering the change event
resize method does not resize the toolbar
Cannot choose from all items when filtering is applied once
12 hours format time in lower/upper case is not respected
Displaced Spreadsheet dialog buttons
Input in Spreadsheet's Hyperlink dialog falls on a second line below its label
Switch labels are not displayed in IE9
insertBefore and insertAfter fail when TabStrip has an ID with special characters
"k-state-active" class is added to the selected TabStrip tab after its content is loaded
Tabstrip's scroll buttons positioned incorrectly
TabStrip tab content receives incorrect height of 0px after being disable and re-enabled, with custom animation configured.
TabStrip's right scroll button is not visible on resizing window
JavaScript error on scrolling TabStrip tabs, if animation is disabled with
Setting scrolling: true disables the TabStrip's scrolling tabs
Unexpected TabStrip tabs top border in High Contrast theme
Pressing Down key in TabStrip with dir=rtl should navigate to next item instead of the previous one.
Disabled tabs in the Bootstrap skin have borders
ThemeBuilder LESS
Gantt toolbar border radius does not use variables in Bootstrap v3 theme
ThemeBuilder SASS
Unexpected second vertical scrollbar on ThemeBuilder preview pages in Firefox
TimePicker does not preserve the new value when dateInput is enabled
Non-text Image Button image not centered vertically
Pressing Down key in ToolBar with dir=rtl should navigate to next item instead of the previous one.
Toolbar's overflow button in RTL mode scrolls page to top under IE
ToolBar buttons lose their right :focus border for Material and MaterialBlack themes, when another button immediately follows the current one
Tooltip width is not calculated depending on the content length
Tooltip does not hide as expected when another Tooltip is opened
Title element is not removed on time in IE11
TreeList keyboard support.
TreeList column attributes are not applied in edit mode.
Unclickable Template Checkboxes in TreeView
Correct insertAfter and insertBefore return value in API
TreeView should mark all non-selected nodes with aria-selected false attribute
Unexpected increased spacing between nodes and checkboxes in TreeView
Unclickable Template Checkboxes in TreeView
Dropping folder with more than 100 files in it uploads only 100 files
Upload widget with custom template can never retry an upload
Window with pinned: true and defined position in percent sets incorrect position on open
Setting and removing of overflow:hidden style on the document during Window maximization and restore should check if the style is already present
Focusing a textbox nested in Window does not highlight its text
Incorrect navigation with Tab in Window
k-window-content box-sizing changed between 2017 R1 and R2
Window resizing does not work correctly when the widget is pinned and the page is scrolled
Resizing doesn't work properly when Window is appended
For previous versions please refer to the Kendo UI Web, DataViz and Mobile release history