Enable AutoHide tooltip option for Kendo UI Charts (5423)
ComboBox sends two requests to the "read" end point when its input is cleared (6299)
Unexpected ComboBox dropdown opening on Capslock button press (6171)
Incorrect input field positioning in ComboBox when initial element has position:absolute style (5304)
For DatePicker with component type:"modern" the "Today" text link is not disabled if today's date is disabled (6284)
In "modern" style with 24h format, it's not possible select 00 hour but only 24 (6222)
Open event is not fired in "modern" componentType (6192)
ComponentType Modern by default sets to Today (6191)
Kendo Alert overlay is not removed after closing the dialog (5665)
The toolbar in the Editor's ImageBrowser is not rendered correctly with jQuery 3.5.x (6285)
Unexpected column is added on applying styles to a table pasted from Word to Editor (6169)
Editor delete row and delete column tools throws an error when the next element is another table (5032)
ExpansionPanel .k-expanded class not moving on expand
Filterable option does not work correctly in FileManager's Grid View (6230)
FileManager typescript definitions contain wrong or missing typings (6174)
Custom builder causes exception when setting up model (6093)
Gantt - parent task's percentComplete is not updated when the child's percentComplete is changed in the treelist (6245)
Close button in group indicator should have a href attribute (5683)
ForeignKey column in Grid TagHelper does not initialize a DropDownList (6283)
Grid server grouping and endless scrolling mismatches groups in multigrouping (6256)
Using a DropDown editor inside an incell editor template Grid with autoSync DataSource of a PopUp editor of the main Grid causes the next cell edit to automatically close the cell (6248)
The text of the columns is overlapping when scrolling Grid with sticky columns (6243)
Incorrect tab navigation in Grid with checkboxes in first column (6237)
When the Grid is in row filtering mode the filter event does not fire when there are no values in the filter inputs (6104)
Grid GroupPaging and groupable sort compare used with client operations throws JavaScript error (6066)
Selection in Frozen columns + selectable: "multiple cell" scenario does not work as expected (6064)
JS error in Group Paging "Cannot read property 'notFetched' of undefined"
Sticky Column becomes "Stick" when a user applies a filter/sort.
ListView with endless scrolling is not rendering a vertical scrollbar (6073)
Sub Menu item is not opened, if hovered before close animation of another sub-menu-items's child item completes (5875)
Root Menu item is not opened, if hovered before close animation completes (5354)
Unexpected empty accesskey attribute set to MultiSelect by default (6289)
PDFViewer: Cannot open a file via the "Open file" tool after the initial PDF loading fails
JS errors thrown by PDFViewer tools, if used while PDF document is still loading
Scheduler Agenda view loading indicator
Inconsistent bottom offset in Timeline view (6160)
Scheduler with vertical grouping - events overlap the next group in Timeline view (5836)
Wrong end date in Scheduler Agenda view of events ending on autumn daylight saving date (5217)
Scheduler's select() method selects only the last event when multiple ones are passed (5119)
On the autumn daylight saving date, in Scheduler with UTC timezone, when changing end time to be between 1 and 3 AM the scheduler adds 1 hour to the date (3810)
Copy/Paste range of data should behave like Excel (2685)
Custom validation error can not be handled in spreadsheet (6244)
Spreadsheet filter menu is not updated with new cell value (6216)
Frozen columns are not properly imported to Spreadsheet (6210)
Spreadsheet selectSheet event does not fire on reordering sheets (5965)
Unmerging cells sets the value to each of the previously merged cells (4227)
In IE copied Spreadsheet cells are pasted as value only
Copied cells are retained in Spreadsheet clipboard and pasted altogether in IE
Transfer Switch styles/classes to the wrapper (4977)
TimePicker does not scroll to selected value (6276)
In "modern" style with 24h format, it's not possible select 00 hour but only 24 (6222)
ToolBar click event for splitButton's menuButtons does not fire when the splitButton is in overflow (4542)
Inconsistent Tooltip positioning when large content is loaded (6148)
TreeList Drag and drop row to the bottom of the list does not work when the bottom item has no children (6219)
TreeList setOptions method triggers JavaScript error when columns have style attributes (6202)
When pageable is set to true in the TreeList widget, setOptions is raising an error (6122)
When a Window is not focused, clicking on a DropDownList in the Window results in the DropDownList not gaining focus. (6286)
Using a DropDown editor inside an incell editor template Grid with autoSync DataSource of a PopUp editor of the main Grid causes the next cell edit to automatically close the cell (6248)
When using Bootstrap-v4 theme a maximized Window with iFrame does not display full height of content on Safari (5817)
Kendo Alert overlay is not removed after closing the dialog (5665)
Window doesn't change its z-index properly on iOS Safari (5413)
Multiple unexpected k-overlay div elements added to Window with iframe true (5311)
Window doesn't size properly when set on 100% width (4940)
Kendo Window destroy() performance degradation when using modal=true (4143)
Window appended to Splitter pane resizes incorrectly (4123)
Unexpected page horizontal scroll when Window width is not set (3700)
Window setOptions method and maximize cause the page to scroll to previously scrolled position (3673)
Window refresh method does not set options.content (3593)
Incorrect Window content height when wrapper is hidden initially
For previous versions please refer to the Kendo UI Web, DataViz and Mobile release history