Kendo UI

Release History

jQuery Release History

Kendo UI R1 2018

January 17, 2018

All components

  • Using Vue components in the templates of the Vue wrappers
  • ObservableArray functions are missing support for thisArg
  • Unified height of inputs and buttons
  • Update Angular to version 1.6.6
  • Update JSZip to version 2.6.1
  • Update Pako_deflate to version 1.0.6
  • Update jQuery version to 1.12.4
  • When a ListBox is initialized in a page after a Calendar widget, it breaks the Calendar selection
  • Wrong semicolon in the styles/common/font-icons.less of RTL expand icon rule
  • Box-sizing issue in window on mobile
  • Some theme resources are not found for SASS themes


  • Inconsistent AutoComplete and ComboBox height within ToolBar template in IE
  • Widget highlights first item incorrectly


  • Unexpected focusing of disabled Button initialized from element other than button
  • Unexpected hover effect over disabled buttons icons in Material themes


  • Inconsistency in the border-radius of the calendar container in the Calendar widget and the DatePicker popup in Bootstrap theme


  • legend item hover results in error for line series and log axis when there are not positive points
  • Highlight overlays other bubbles


  • Inconsistent items selection when ComboBox suggest property is true and filtering is applied
  • ComboBox cascadeFromField does not allow cascade from a field not set as dataValueField
  • k-state-selected class not applied to selected item in ComboBox/DropDownList if minLength is set
  • ComboBox syncValueAndText set to false is not respected if the custom value is selected by pressing Enter
  • ComboBox change event fires after filtering and selection of a previously selected item
  • Clear Button in MultiSelect and ComboBox is displayed, even if there is no selected item (nothing to clear)
  • Inconsistent AutoComplete and ComboBox height within ToolBar template in IE
  • ComboBox does not filter the data based on the text in its input if minLength is not set
  • Combobox item value is empty when the text contains \r\n and syncValueAndText is false
  • Focusing the ComboBox with the keyboard and filtering it applies "k-state-focused" class to the wrong item
  • ComboBox value not retained with syncValueAndText: false
  • Not fired cascade event, when selection is changed to the already selected item
  • Virtualized ComboBox throws js error in MVVM scenario.
  • Cascade event is fired without changing the widget value


  • Content within an item is not showing in Menu and ContextMenu


  • DataSource component should be able to dynamically change and update the widget


  • Inconsistency in the border-radius of the calendar container in the Calendar widget and the DatePicker popup in Bootstrap theme
  • Space key closes pickers popup.
  • Bottom line of DatePicker is not visible in Safari with some of the skins.


  • Space key closes pickers popup.


  • Add Draggable container string option
  • draggable container feature does not work as expected in AngularJS


  • Open, close and refresh causing the dropdown to reopen
  • ComboBox cascadeFromField does not allow cascade from a field not set as dataValueField
  • k-state-selected class not applied to selected item in ComboBox/DropDownList if minLength is set
  • Not fired cascade event, when selection is changed to the already selected item


  • Iframe content is not focused with Tab when initialized in a modal Window
  • Br tags are not preserved as new lines when Editor's pasteCleanup keepNewLines is set to true


  • Batch support for oData v4
  • Multi check filter to work with null values
  • Add iconClass API for Update and Cancel command buttons in grid
  • An incorrect dataItem is returned when using the built-in checkbox column and endless scrolling.
  • columns.selectable not working with multiple grids on the same page
  • Grid editing does not work with nested array column fields
  • The pager buttons of the Adaptive grid are not visible for Flat theme in IE11
  • The numeric buttons in the pager of the Adaptive grid are not rendered correctly for some Less themes
  • The Cancel button icon is missing in the column menu filter UI for the Adaptive grid.
  • Column menu text is not visible for some themes in the Adaptive grid
  • The numeric pager field of the Adaptive grid is not positioned correctly for some Less themes
  • Filtered Grid with enabled Virtual scrolling break the delete functionality with Batch editing
  • Grid columnMenu filtering throws an exception when a column is filtered two times and the field contains a dot
  • The last row is not visible when the horizontal scrollbar is shown after column resize.
  • The columns container in the Grid ColumnMenu is not scrollable with the mousewheel.
  • Grid filtering will boolean fields is not working as expected when the field is null
  • MinResizableWidth should be enforced on double click
  • Grid Pager numbers cover bottom Grid row preventing selection on small screens
  • Adaptive Grid demo does not show next/prev buttons in IE11
  • Scrollbar "gap" in Grid header in Bootstrap LESS theme
  • The clear button in the Adaptive Grid demo is not centered.
  • The wrong icon is displayed in a boolean column of the adaptive Grid.
  • Inconsistent bottom border in the grid last row in type-material themes
  • In the mobile Grid' filter menu, the options AND and OR does not appear as selected(Flat theme).
  • Grid autoFitColumn fails if columns grouped and expanded
  • The editing of the virtualized Grid is not working if after filtering the number of items is less then the pageSize.
  • Grid Dirty span misaligned with column template
  • Redundant pager buttons in MVC grid
  • Checkboxes are not aligned to the label in popup edit form.


  • Fix material design textbox height for Firefox


  • Content within an item is not showing in Menu and ContextMenu


  • values are not selected with virtualization and autoBind: "false"
  • Change and Deselect events should be triggered once when the Clear button of the MultiSelect is clicked and t here are multiple items selected.
  • MultiSelect value cannot be cleared programmatically if an item is selected after filtering the data
  • Unable to delete selected MultiSelect items when autoClose is true and filtering is applied
  • Token with string empty for dataTextField are not displayed correctly in MultiSelect
  • Clear Button in MultiSelect and ComboBox is displayed, even if there is no selected item (nothing to clear)
  • Pressing Ctrl+A does not deselect all items, when they are already selected.


  • Decimals are lost in NumericTextBox when culture which decimal mark is coma and factor is used.

PDF Export

  • e.matches error with PDF Export


  • The disabled icon in the Grid pager with Metro Theme is not visible on hover
  • Disabled Pager button arrows appearance is changed on hover


  • The background and the items in the popover navbar have the same color.(Theme office365)


  • Drag and drop of multiple events
  • Scheduler's refresh button data-name value is "undefined"
  • Recurrence events are not shown with ShowBusinessHours or startTime set
  • Scheduler workDayStart and workDayEnd is not displayed for the current day
  • No indication for event presence on dates after the first one in adaptive Scheduler Month view on mobile phone
  • TimelineWeek and timelineWorkWeek views are not rendered properly when an event start time is exactly on the business day end time
  • Only first row receives middle row class
  • Appointments are not properly positioned in monthview
  • if workWeekEnd option is set to be greated than 7, the page hangs


  • Improved array formulas support in Spreadsheet
  • Pressing the arrow keys during editing navigates to neighboring cells
  • It is possible to clear the value of disabled Spreadsheet cells
  • Opening an XLSX file in Spreadsheet creates a new input type="file" without removing the mark-up of the previous one
  • Cell validation button focuses next available cell when there are exactly 2 columns following it
  • Spreadsheet "No border" button icon missing
  • Spreadsheet with frozen columns throws js error when there are more than 50 columns and cells are scrolled to the far right-hand side of the sheet
  • Wrong cursor appearance on hovering spreadsheet's range resize indicator in IE and Edge
  • Wrong number rounding when cell format is applied to a formula
  • Spreadsheet active cell drag handle is hidden underneath frozen row/column borders
  • Spreadsheet is adding underline styles after second server-side import of the same server-side exported file


  • Part of the offLabel is visible when the switch is checked


  • Styles of left positioned tabstrip get overridden when nested in tabstrip


  • Update toolbar overflow button icon from arrow to the three-points vertical one
  • Home/End button do not move caret to the start/end of a textbox inside ToolBar templated item
  • Disabled ToolBar button in a buttonGroup is hidden
  • Inconsistent AutoComplete and ComboBox height within ToolBar template in IE
  • Togglable buttons do not persist their state when put in a split button
  • ToolBar's open and close events are fired only if a SplitButton popup is expanded/collapsed by clicking on the toggle button


  • Unexpected TreeView node check/uncheck behavior when nodes or their checkboxes are disabled and checkChildren is true
  • TreeView disabled nodes can be checked/unchecked
  • After drag and drop in a TreeView with disabled checkChildren, indeterminate state is applied on a checkbox of parent which holds both checked and unchecked nodes
  • Disabled TreeView node on click navigates to the url set to the node
  • Treeview expand/collapse icons are fipped improperly in RTL


  • Files with long names selected in the Upload overflow on window resize
  • Percentage value overlaps the name of the uploaded file on a mobile device


  • Memory Leak in IE11 with kendoWindow, when the widget is opened and closed multiple times
  • Kendo Window fires close event twice on Esc keydown
  • Iframe content is not focused with Tab when initialized in a modal Window
  • The page vertical scrollbar is not restored on closing maximized window
For previous versions please refer to the Kendo UI Web, DataViz and Mobile release history