Kendo UI

Release History

jQuery Release History

Kendo UI® 2013.31119

November 19, 2013

Kendo UI Web

Framework Constructs

What’s New

  • Added: Responsive/adaptive rendering improvements
  • Added: "Modern UI" dimensions
  • Added: Generate source maps for Kendo UI minified files
  • Improved: Integration with Twitter Bootstrap

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: IE7 detection regression
Kendo UI DataSource Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Sorting is not preserved in grouped virtualized DataSource with local operations
Kendo UI DragAndDrop Icon

Drag And Drop

What’s New

  • Added: Mobile friendly draggable support - holdToDrag configuration option
Kendo UI Web Globalization Icon


What's new

  • Added: kendo.parseDate should set default date to today when method parses time values

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: parseFloat does not parse correctly numbers with exponent when the culture uses comma as decimal separator
Kendo UI MVVM Icon


What’s New

  • Added: The value binding supports <input type="date"> and <input type="datetime-local">

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Source binding elements are not updated correctly when they are bound to a multiselect value
  • Fixed: Databound widget child items are not bound to the correct items, if DataSource server grouping is enabled

New UI Widgets

Kendo UI Web Button Icon


Kendo UI Web ProgressBar Icon


UI Widgets Features and Updates

Kendo UI Web AutoComplete Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Header template
  • Added: Scroll to the selected item on mobile browsers

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: AutoComplete loading indicator is misplaced in RTL mode
  • Fixed: Widget does not persist input value on initialization
Kendo UI Web Calendar Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Widget falls into infinitive loop if value is not a valid date
Kendo UI Web ColorPicker Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: ColorPicker bug after calling enable(true)
Kendo UI Web ComboBox Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Header template
  • Added: Support for a specific cascade data field
  • Added: Scroll to the selected item on mobile browsers

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Exception is raised on item selection when the widget is empty
  • Fixed: ComboBox loading icon not visible when using the Metro theme
  • Fixed: Widget focuses input on initial load when 'suggest' is enabled
  • Fixed: Value assigned initially to the input should be persisted if not matched in the data
  • Fixed: The options.text is not set to the input element before the cascading functionality is initialized
  • Fixed: Widget throws a 'nextSibling is undefined' exception when an empty data source is set
Kendo UI Web Date/Time Pickers Icon

Date/Time Pickers

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Widget throws "Unsupported command" error in IE8
  • Fixed: IE10 > DatePicker's calendar closes automatically when widget is placed inside Kendo UI Menu widget
  • Fixed: DateTimePicker selects next month if min date is clicked
  • Fixed: The max() method does not update the configuration of the widget
  • Fixed: 18.10.1992 selects 17.10.1992 in DatePicker when TimeZone set to UTC - 3:00 Brasilia
  • Fixed: Widget clears the initial value if it is not valid
Kendo UI Web DropDownList Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Header template
  • Added: Input template
  • Added: Support for a specific cascade data field
  • Added: Scroll to the selected item on mobile browsers

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Widget throws JavaScript exception when trying to search data set through setDataSource method
  • Fixed: DropDownList performs a search in Firefox when any control key is pressed
  • Fixed: Widget does not select option label value when MVVM source binding is used
  • Fixed: The 'index' property is not working with MVVM or when the widget is initialized from select element
  • Fixed: Popup width is incorrectly calculated when box model is changed to border-box
  • Fixed: Search inside the widget does not work when long sequence is typed
Kendo UI Web Editor Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: JavaScript error when pasting invalid HTML in IE8
  • Fixed: Regression in keyboard navigation
  • Fixed: refresh method throws exception in inline mode
  • Fixed: Inline Editor is not focused when user closes viewHtml dialog
  • Fixed: Editor initialization fails when document.domain is set
  • Fixed: Image percentage width is stripped from style attribute and converted to px
  • Fixed: Editor fires change event when not encoded and blurred or toolbar is clicked
  • Fixed: Inline editor nested in lists behaves unexpectedly
  • Fixed: tools.tooltip configuration is not honored when initializing tools
  • Fixed: Color dropdowns are not closed when clicking on createTable tool
  • Fixed: Editor destroy method does not destroy all of its components when using inline editing
  • Fixed: Indent / outdent in inline editor without content apply styles to container
  • Fixed: Inline editor throws exception when used in PopUp editor in IE8
  • Fixed: Formatting dropdown is not expanded properly on a page with Twitter Bootstrap
  • Fixed: Paste event does not report what is pasted when inline editing in IE10
  • Fixed: Unable to type after using dropdown lists on iPad
  • Fixed: Inserting list in root-level inline editor converts editor element to list
  • Fixed: Cursor is not visible when inserting hyperlink and tabbing to the "Text" field
  • Fixed: Tables pasted from MS Word lack borders
Kendo UI Web Grid Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Adaptive rendering (web <> mobile)
  • Added: Grid column menu templates update

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: String textbox in Grid filter menu does not have a top margin
  • Fixed: Some column headers are inaccessible when horizontal scrolling is used and there are no records
  • Fixed: IE > Field value not updated when using batch editing and multiple selection with NumericTextBox editor
  • Fixed: Grid fails to focus editable widget in IE8
  • Fixed: Filter menu PopUp in IE8 is rendered too small
  • Fixed: Style issue for dirty-cell indicator of the Grid
  • Fixed: Select element editor cannot be opened if multiple row selection and inline editing are enabled
Kendo UI Web Menu Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Allow long Menu item groups to be scrollable and fit the screen if they have no child groups

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Menu links are not activated via keyboard navigation
  • Fixed: First click does not fire a select event on a tablet device
Kendo UI Web MultiSelect Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Header template
  • Added: Support for multi-selection without closing the popup
  • Added: Scroll to the selected item on mobile browsers

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: MultiSelect loading indicator is misplaced in RTL mode
  • Fixed: Items cannot be deleted when widget is nested in a div with scroller
Kendo UI Web NumericTextBox Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Widget throws "Unsupported command" error in IE8
  • Fixed: Alphabetical symbols are accepted when entered via the numeric keyboard in certain languages
  • Fixed: NumericTextBox does not handle correctly keyboards with different layout
Kendo UI Web Scheduler Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Exact time rendering
  • Added: Adaptive rendering (web <> mobile)
  • Added: Mobile Timezone editor
  • Added: Slot template for day and week view
  • Added: Work week view
  • Added: Ability to freely resize and move events
  • Added: Show loading indicator
  • Added: Last Day option to the Monthly recurring rule
  • Added: Moving an occurrence with "edit series" option causes it to vanish
  • Added: Work hours styling

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: All day event which ends at the start of month view is not positioned correctly
  • Fixed: Delete button and resize handles are not shown in IE8
  • Fixed: Event which ends at the beginning of the month view is rendered incorrectly
  • Fixed: Widget does not render a recurring multi-day event in Day view
  • Fixed: Monthly recurring event is shown inconsistently between months
  • Fixed: Weekly recurrence does not honour week day when rendering events in Month view
  • Fixed: recurrenceEditor frequency option is not set correctly
  • Fixed: Month view's more button is not placed correctly if some custom height is set to the scheduler
  • Fixed: Recurrence logic does not expand monthly frequency correctly when an interval rule is defined
  • Fixed: Recurrence logic does not expand weekly frequency correctly when an interval rule is defined
  • Fixed: Event which starts at the end time of the day view is not position correctly
  • Fixed: Event text may blend with the background for some skins

What’s Changed

  • Changed: k-scheduler-agenda CSS class is renamed to k-scheduler-agendaview
Kendo UI Web Slider Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Large ticks algorithm
Kendo UI Web TabStrip Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Changed TabStrip Ajax loading animation to a modern, more subtle one

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Widget renders ARIA attributes when id is not defined
  • Fixed: TabStrip displays multiple tabs as active if clicking very quickly on them
  • Fixed: TabStrip does not allow to focus input element placed inside a PanelBar widget
Kendo UI Web TreeView Icon


What's new

  • Added: expandPath API method

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Simple link list is not converted correctly to a tree
  • Fixed: Indeterminate state is not updated when loading children asynchronously
Kendo UI Web Window Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Physically nesting Windows causes side effects related to title() method and closing action
  • Fixed: restore() method will not return widget instance if the Window is already in restored state
  • Fixed: title() does not update internal configuration, causing revert when setOptions is used
  • Fixed: Window resets its size when setOptions() method is used after resizing
  • Fixed: Maximized windows should not have rounded corners
  • Fixed: Opened pop-ups remain visible after window is closed
  • Fixed: Window does not minimize completely

Kendo UI DataViz

Framework Constructs

What’s New

  • Added: Background setting for axes
  • Added: Generate source maps for Kendo minified files

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Series aggregates fail with nested fields
  • Fixed: Shared tooltip is visible when hovering legend items
  • Fixed: Series can't be excluded from shared tooltip
  • Fixed: Legend item click should save the current series state
  • Fixed: The setOptions method does not refresh the chart if the dataSource is set with the setDataSource method
  • Fixed: Set default note's text to be an empty string
  • Fixed: Notes cause javascript error with data value axis
  • Fixed: Changing tooltip's shared attribute from false to true causes problems
  • Fixed: seriesClick is fired on touchstart preventing page scrolling
  • Fixed: Date chart can hang on desktop Safari if date range contains DST transition
  • Fixed: baseUnit: days can hang if the time zone is set to BRT/BRST
  • Fixed: IE7 detection regression

New UI Widgets

Kendo UI DataViz BoxPlot Icon

Box Plot Chart

Kendo UI DataViz Funnel Icon

Funnel Chart

Kendo UI DataViz Map Icon

Map (Beta)

UI Widgets Features and Updates

Kendo UI DataViz Area Chart Icon

Area Chart

What’s New

  • Added: Error Bars
  • Added: Step Area
  • Added: Smooth (Spline) Area
Kendo UI DataViz Bar Chart Icon

Bar Chart

What’s New

  • Added: Error Bars

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Bar labels are not visible when the value is 0
Kendo UI DataViz Gauge Icon

Linear/Radial Gauge

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: (Radial Gauge) Range opacity doesn't work
Kendo UI DataViz Line Chart Icon

Line Chart

What’s New

  • Added: Error bars
  • Added: Step Area
  • Added: Smooth (Spline) Area
Kendo UI DataViz Pie Chart Icon

Pie Chart

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Pie chart start angle changes the order of the labels
Kendo UI DataViz Polar Chart Icon

Polar Chart

What’s New

  • Added: Smooth (Spline) Line

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Click on the legend item should hide corresponding polar series
Kendo UI DataViz Radar Chart Icon

Radar Chart

What’s New

  • Added: Smooth (Spline) Line

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Click on the legend item should hide corresponding radar series
Kendo UI DataViz Scatter Chart Icon

Scatter Chart

What’s New

  • Added: Smooth (Spline) Scatter Line

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Date axis range can be incorrect on zoom in scatter charts

Kendo UI Mobile

Framework Constructs

What’s New

  • Added: Changed the default iOS theme to iOS7
  • Added: Method to close all excessive popups on View navigate
  • Added: Support for setDataSource method
  • Added: beforeHide event to the Kendo UI Mobile view
  • Added: Generate source maps for Kendo minified files
  • Improved: Widget flexibility to enable responsive pages

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Input elements float over header/footer when app-wide native scrolling is on
  • Fixed: Action icon is not visible in iOS7
  • Fixed: content method is not working as expected
  • Fixed: Checkboxes are not displayed correctly when flat skin is used on Android
  • Fixed: iOS7 themed back button arrows are not visible on Android
  • Fixed: Browser back button is not synced correctly with back button taps
  • Fixed: Vertical scrolling is enabled if the page contains complex content

UI Widgets Features and Updates

Kendo UI Mobile ActionSheet Icon


What’s New

  • Added: ActionSheet close event
  • Improved: Re-do the ActionSheet positioning with CSS only
Kendo UI Mobile Button Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Support for enabling/disabling a button widget instance
Kendo UI Mobile Drawer Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Drawer swiping to open gesture can be enabled/disabled

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Drawer locks up the previous view when navigating
  • Fixed: Click on the drawer also fires View's touch event
  • Fixed: Select in Drawer shows in Views, unless Web common CSS is included
  • Fixed: Drawer and view with inputs do not work well in certain cases
Kendo UI Mobile ListView Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Support for filtering of local data when in virtual mode
  • Added: Reset method which resets the listview to its initial state (virtual mode)

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: iOS7 themed ListView and back button arrows are not visible on Android
  • Fixed: ListView does not remove its wrapper
  • Fixed: ListView links are missing arrows in Android and Flat theme
  • Fixed: Glitch in ListView's filter box styling (Flat theme)
  • Fixed: Endless scrolling end reached leaves the loading space
  • Fixed: Endless scrolling is erratic on WP8 (Lumia 820)
  • Fixed: Last item is cut when filtering is used along with the flat theme and endless scrolling
  • Fixed: mobile listview setDataSource does not work as expected in virtual mode
  • Fixed: Detail buttons turn white in iOS7 when the row is highlighted
Kendo UI Mobile ModalView Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Re-do the ModalView positioning with CSS only
Kendo UI Mobile NavBar Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: NavBar buttons are not activated if the touch point is moved within the button
Kendo UI Mobile Scroller Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Animated scrollTo(x, y) method for mobile scroller
Kendo UI Mobile ScrollView Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Multiple ScrollView widgets placed in the same View are not visible initially
  • Fixed: ScrollView cannot display pages with multiple items if full set of data is not available
  • Fixed: ScrollView's pager does not calculate pages correctly when itemsPerPage is larger than 1
  • Fixed: Support for local data and multiple items per page
Kendo UI Mobile SplitView Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Support for collapsible panes in vertical mode (Portrait Mode)
Kendo UI Mobile Switch Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Support for enabling/disabling a switch widget instance
For previous versions please refer to the Kendo UI Web, DataViz and Mobile release history