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Release History

UI for ASP.NET AJAX R3 2023 (version 2023.3.1010)

October 11, 2023


  • New Avatar control
  • New VerticalLine chart type
  • New VerticalArea chart type
  • Accessibility improvements in HtmlChart, Menu, Timeline and FormDecorator

Telerik AJAX VSX Extensions

  • Missing menu commands for Telerik UI for ASP.NET web application project
  • AJAX Empty and Responsive templates don't add web.config to created project


  • Uncaught Error while uploading when using IFrame module in Chrome 117


  • Required ARIA attributes must be provided accessibility error in RadDropDownList


  • Fix pressing tab or enter key does not close the RadFormDecorator dropdownlist popup


  • Improved Accessibility compliance of RadMenu


  • VerticalLine and VerticalArea chart types in RadHtmlChart
  • Background and border options for the labels in RadHtmlChart
  • Step and Skip properties for the axes gridlines in RadHtmlChart
  • Add MinSize and MaxSize properties for the BubbleSeries in RadHtmlChart
  • Accessibility improvement: Increased contrast between background color and text color in the Tooltip of the Chart series


  • Prevent exporting exactly the same fonts more than once.
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when loading a document with no Encoding containing MicrosoftNonSymbolicGlyph.
  • TrueType Postscript fonts perceived as Standard fonts are embedded on export.
  • Some documents containing Type1 font without Private Dict are not rendered as expected.
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when importing a document containing an updated xref table that has an invalid offset.
  • A KeyNotFoundException when getting glyph width with a standard font and WinAnsiEncoding.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown when importing a document with an invalid offset of the cross-reference table.
  • An InvalidDataException 'Unknown compression method (0x31)' thrown when importing a document.
  • An InvalidCastException caused by colorspace defined as nested indirect objects.
  • Filled values in forms are missing when exporting to an image.
  • An exception is thrown when exporting an encoded document containing an image with Index ColorSpace.
  • An endless loop when importing a document containing an EI keyword not followed by space or return.


  • Resolving a conditional formatting rule for cells with a row index greater than the max causes an exception.
  • Importing documents containing many formulas referring to constantс values is causing a memory leak.
  • Importing an XLS document containing _xlfn.SINGLE defined name causes an InvalidOperationException.
  • Horizontal bar chart data is loaded incorrectly in some documents.
  • Exporting a document containing workbook properties and protection leads to an invalid document.
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when copying a sheet containing chart with Marker which FIll is null.
  • Text is cut off when exporting to PDF with a specific font.


  • KeyNotFoundException is thrown when iterating cells having a disabled 'Normal font' formatting option.


  • WCAG 4.1.1 Parsing Error - Duplicate DOM Control with the same Id


  • Introduced support for import of documents containing runs as children of another run.
  • Introduced support for importing documents containing simple fields as a child of another run.
  • HtmlFormatProvider: Handle import of base64 images with no data source.
  • When exported, a table cell with set borders is visualized with only top and bottom borders.
  • A table cell with a dark background is always exported with a white foreground.
  • PdfFormatProvider: ArgumentException because of negative line height.
  • HtmlFormatProvider: Wrong parsing of border styles when both are set inline and in CSS.
  • DOCX document fails to import if it contains content control without content inside the first block in the header or footer.
  • Document with a shape containing PictureFill fails to export to DOCX.

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