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UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2013 SP1 (version 2013.3.1114)

November 14, 2013


  • Fixed: RadAsyncUpload disappears in the right to left demo after you click it in IE10.


  • Fixed: When an item from the dropdown is highlighted and the AutoCompleteBox loses focus, the text is updated, but no entry is added.
  • Fixed: When the AutoCompleteBox loses focus after a request is sent and the response hasn't yet arrived, the dropdown still opens after the response is received.
  • Fixed: When placed inside a Grid edit form and bound to WebService or OData, RadAutoCompleteBox throws server exception.
  • Fixed: When ClientFiltering is enabled, the MaxResultCount property is ignored.


  • Fixed: Click event is not raised when the button is a DefaultButton and Enter key is pressed inside of an input element of type password.
  • Fixed: The compatibility of RadButton with custom image and AntiXssEncoder.


  • Fixed: RadDateTimePicker renders incorrectly SelectedDate after assigning it for a second time.
  • Fixed: Style attribute of RadCalendar is not applied when the Lightweight RenderMode is used.
  • Fixed: The popup on RadDatePicker moves away when the page is zoomed in Windows Touch.
  • Fixed: The layout of the RadDate(Time)Picker is broken in IE11.


  • Fixed: Incorrect validation of RadCaptcha when multiple validations are triggered, i.e. RadCaptcha placed inside FormView.
  • Fixed: RadCaptcha throws unhandled NullReferenceException on server-side when no default audio playback device exists.


  • Added: Client-side and server-side events should be fired when user checks the CheckAll checkbox.
  • Fixed: RadComboBox, bound to RadODataDataSource and set with LoadOnDemand="true", requests data without setting the $filter parameter.
  • Fixed: RadComboBox does not dispose the reference to highlighted items if they are removed.
  • Fixed: When RadComboBox is populated via RadODataSource and has filtering functionality (Filter="Contains") the parameter $filter in the sent request has an empty value.
  • Fixed: RadComboBox does not render its label in design time.
  • Fixed: RadComboBox label does not have styles in some skins.
  • Fixed: RadComboBox misalignment in classic skins.


  • Fixed: Change in the selection of the RadDropDownList is possible, when disabled under Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed: Provide the ability to bind the RadDropDownList to an empty value, using its SelectedValue property.
  • Fixed: Navigating with the keyboard and then clicking outside the DropDownList only visually selects the highlighted item.


  • Fixed: RadDropDownTree applies dropdown width even if dropdown's autowidth is enabled.


  • Fixed: The cursor, placed in an empty paragraph, is not moved to the expected position when BackSpace is pressed in Firefox.
  • Fixed: InsertOrderedList command raises JavaScript error when TrackChanges or Comments are enabled.
  • Fixed: The height of RadEditor's content is incorrect in iPad.
  • Fixed: Unwanted attributes are added to the paragraphs in IE7/IE8 from the paste functionality.
  • Fixed: JavaScript error is being thrown on opening a RadEditor dialog, when the rendering mode is set to LightWeight and the CDN is enabled.
  • Fixed: JavaScript error is thrown in IE7/8 when pasting in different editors, placed in UpdatePanel.
  • Fixed: The height of Editor's Content and Wrapper when div mode and authorize height are enabled.
  • Fixed: Paste functionality pastes only a <br/> tag instead of the copied content in some cases in Firefox v.25.


  • Fixed: Decorating a select element that was initially hidden causes Chrome to crash.


  • Fixed: When RadGrid's virtualization is enabled and the height of the grid is larger than the default one, a double scroll bar appears.
  • Fixed: RadGrid with template column is not rendered appropriately in VS 2013.
  • Fixed: The InsertItemDisplay property does not work when the EditMode is set to Batch.
  • Fixed: When the keyboard navigation is enabled, the EditMode is set to Batch and tabbing is performed, the browser tabs are changed.
  • Fixed: RadDataPager styles are incorrect in RadGrid in RTL mode.
  • Fixed: RadGrid's SEO Paging is not working properly with all pager modes.
  • Fixed: Filter text box in RadGrid in RTL mode should not have a left padding.
  • Fixed: RadGrid with EditMode="Batch" could not set new value to a <select> when the current cell value is an empty string.
  • Fixed: Misalignment in RadGrid in IE11.
  • Fixed: RadGrid is throwing an exception on closing the EditFormPopUp, when the local culture is using coma as decimal separator.
  • Fixed: The border at the bottom of the RadGrid is missing, because RadGrid's height is not calculated correctly.


  • Fixed: JavaScript error is thrown when the toolbar of the RadImageEditor is in Docked mode.
  • Fixed: The edited image cannot be downloaded in Chrome and Safari.


  • Fixed: RadTextBox does not calculate correctly width in ems in IE7.
  • Fixed: Missing DatePickerSetting and the MaskedTextBoxSetting into the Designer of RadInputManager.


  • Fixed: There is no way to hide the item counter in RadLightBox.
  • Fixed: Navigation buttons are visible during transition between items.


  • Fixed: ListBox buttons are broken in IE11.
  • Fixed: The appearance of the ListBox buttons is broken with WebBlue skin.
  • Fixed: Inconsistent button icons in MetroTouch skin.


  • Fixed: RadListView's GetDataKeyValue throws exception when DataGrouping is enabled.


  • Fixed: RadContextMenu does not apply correct CSS classes when it is in RTL mode.
  • Fixed: The Render mode of the RadMenu cannot be defined in the web.config file.

New for All Controls

  • Added: Support for VS 2013.
  • Added: Support for IE11.
  • Added: Telerik.Web.UI.Common.Version.GetVersion() Method that returns the current version as a string.
  • Fixed: Using cursor position related APIs causes misbehavior in IE11.


  • Fixed: PersistenceFramework does not persist RadPane's ExpandedSize.


  • Fixed: RadPivotGrid duplicates reordered fields in the ConfigurationPanel when the DataField has spaces in it (using OLAP).
  • Fixed: RadPivotGrid allows users to drag-drop fields over the hidden zones.


  • Added: PDF Paging.
  • Added: PDF export related PageOrientation property (Portrait/Landscape).
  • Added: Support for additional stylesheets when exporting to PDF.
  • Added: Ability to resize appointments in MonthView.
  • Fixed: Appointment does not render properly in MonthView when both its Start and End are set to 00:00:00.
  • Fixed: Header date of RadScheduler does not show correctly in WeekView when ShowAllDayRow is set to "false".
  • Fixed: Agenda View ignores the Culture set in RadScheduler in server-side binding.
  • Fixed: Dates are not converted properly from jQuery format to Web API.
  • Fixed: Rounded corners at the appointment end are polished when resizing starts.
  • Fixed: Background images of RadScheduler appointments.
  • Fixed: Issues with SkinChooser when exporting to PDF.


  • Fixed: When the SearchBox loses focus after a request is sent and the response hasn't yet arrived, the dropdown still opens after the response is received.


  • Fixed: HTML5 related changes in RadSplitter impact its internal layout as well.


  • Fixed: In IE11 the width of the RadTabs is not calculated properly when scrolling is enabled.


  • Fixed: When tiles are hidden (Visible=false), on the subsequent postback the same number of tiles from the end of their group are lost. Remark: If EnableDragAndDrop is true, the visibility should be set in Page_Init.
  • Fixed: RadTileList selection in mobile devices. The tile selection is lost when the tile is dropped.
  • Fixed: Skin setting of RadTileList is not applied on the list's tiles.
  • Fixed: Adding a tile after CreateChildControls is throwing a server-side error.


  • Fixed: TreeList keyboard navigation does not work under IE11.
  • Fixed: RadTreeList does not render correctly in VS2013.


  • Fixed: The content of the loaded page should be restricted in the RadWindow place holder in mobile Chrome on iPad.
  • Fixed: RadWindow should resolve the server root (~/) for its properties IconUrl and MinimizeIconUrl.
  • Fixed: The width of the RadWindow's Title becomes one pixel when AutoSize=true and RenderMode=Lightweight.

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