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Release History

UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2015 (version 2015.1.225)

February 24, 2015

ClientExportManager (New)

NEW This control allows you to export whole pages or specific HTML elements to image, PDF and SVG in a WYSIWYG manner.

See demos

Navigation (New)

NEW The control is Light-weight and fully responsive by default. If there is not enough horizontal space in the browser some of the categories are automatically hidden under the context menu of the sandwich-like button (part of RadNavigation UI).

See demo


  • The width of the columns is not correct when you are using an ExportInfrastructure.
  • Exception when exporting binary images hosted elsewhere (Pdf, Docx, Xlsx, Biff).
  • Images with a closing bracket in the path cannot be exported.
  • Leading zeroes are lost when exporting to XLSX format.
  • RadGrid Client-side filtering with RadClientDataSource does not work correctly.
  • Exception when exporting binary images hosted elsewhere (Pdf, Docx, Xlsx, Biff).


  • Light-weight RenderMode for RadAsyncUpload
  • RadAsyncUpload makes infinite requests to the progress handler when IFrame is used and EnableInlineProgress is false.


  • DropDown Expand/Collapse animations.
  • EnableScreenBoundaryDetection (enabled by default).
  • RadAutoCompleteBox Client-side object disable() does not work. User is still able to interact with the control.
  • Cursor is not visible when control is focused with TAB key IE.
  • Focus is set at the beginning of the input in IE and FF when server events are hooked.
  • RadAutoCompleteBox functionality is broken, when attempting to insert entry with text containing HTML.


  • Light-weight RenderMode for RadButton.
  • Fixed displaying of custom icons in RadButton configured as a toggle radio/checkbox button.


  • Added CSS classes to distinct the different types of RadPickers.


  • RadCaptcha audio support for iOS.
  • Captcha throws NullReferenceExpection when ItemStorageLocation is set to Session.


  • RadGrid loses data when rebind in done with change PageSize – happens in cases with ClientDataSource integration.


  • EmptyMessage of RadComboBox, configured with enabled Checkboxes, does not apply until the DropDown is expanded and then collapsed.
  • ComboBox - no applying hover effect on items with custom class which contain rcbItem substring.


  • Client-side Binding of RadDataForm and Client-side API.


  • First click on navigation arrows of RadDataPager does not work when RenderMode is Lightweight and the control is ajaxified.


  • Added Template property for defining the shapes content of a data-bound diagram.
  • Added OnCancel Client-side event.
  • Added OnSave Client-side event.
  • Added Height property for the Handles.
  • Added OnEdit Client-side event.
  • Added an option to enable/disable the panning of the Diagram.
  • Added ContentSettings for the DiagramConnection.
  • Added Pdf settings to customize the PDF export of the Diagram.
  • Added Tools Collection for the Editable to define the diagram tools in the toolbar.
  • Added ShapeTemplate property to define the shape editor for a Client-side data-bound diagram.
  • Added ConnectionTemplate property to define the connection editor for a Client-side data-bound diagram.
  • Added Hover settings for the Handles.
  • Added templating for Item Content through a Template property.
  • Added Width property for the Handles.
  • Added OnAdd Client-side event.
  • Added Editable property to the ConnectionDefaults.
  • Added OnDataBound Client-side event.
  • Added Key modifier for panning in the diagram.
  • Added Pdf export option for the Diagram.
  • Added OnRemove Client-side event.
  • Added Key modifier for selection in the diagram.
  • Remove Id property on the DiagramConnection.
  • Added MouseEnter/MouseLeave events to the Diagram.
  • Added Client-side data binding using the ClientDataSource.


  • Fixed the expanding of RadDock that uses the light-weight render mode.
  • The command buttons of RadDock are span elements instead of button elements when RenderMode="Lightweight".


  • Added DropDown Expand/Collapse animations.
  • Added EnableScreenBoundaryDetection (enabled by default).


  • Added DropDown Expand/Collapse animations.
  • Added EnableScreenBoundaryDetection (enabled by default).


  • Added buttons in the content area to become selectable.
  • Find and Replace should wrap around when reaching the end of the content.
  • Strip content functionality now uses DOM operations.
  • The Strip font, span and CSS tools do not work on selection in Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
  • Spell Checker in the Editor does not open on subsequent incorrect word under IE11.
  • Filter errors are thrown under IE11 on Windows Phone (e.g., Nokia Lumia).
  • Chrome stops responding when switching to HTML mode and there is an image in base64 format sized - 200x300px.
  • Restoring list item to a plain text creates a P tag instead of Div when NewLineMode is set explicitly to Div.
  • Insufficient toolbar width when EditType="Inline" and RadEditor width is set in percent.
  • Outdent command to restore list items to P or DIV according to the NewLineMode.
  • Redundant nbsps are added to the content when deleting first list item using backspace in IE9/10/11.
  • Inline commands are not applied over the word where the cursor is when the selection is collapsed in IE7.
  • StripCssExpressions filter causes unresponsive browser behavior when long text containing < character is inserted.
  • Space between words is stripped when turning off inline formatting of them.
  • RadEditor produces invalid HTML when nesting lists in IE10 and IE11.
  • The Replace All option of FindAndReplace dialog does not work in HTML mode in Chrome.
  • Script error is thrown in Lightweight RenderMode for RibbonBar toolbar modes.
  • RadEditor's FindAndReplace dialog match content outside of the editor when ContentAreaMode is set to Div(Chrome).
  • An exception is thrown when Default or Full Set of Tools are loaded from the Configuration Wizard and the ToolbarMode is RibbonBar.
  • HTML Inspector module is taking focus while typing in RadEditor content area.
  • StripFormattingOptions="AllExceptNewLines" does not work as expected.
  • Command+V bug in Firefox on MAC.
  • Fixed the way get_text() retrieves words under IE.
  • IE10 crashes when nested lists are highlighted and deleted.
  • The cursor is moved down to the next line after a symbol is inserted in the end of a paragraph in IE.
  • AJAX Spell Checker in Editor throws JS error when ContentAreaMode is set to Div under IE11.
  • NewLineMode="Br" inserts a paragraph when exiting a list.
  • Statistics module does not count correctly words under Firefox and IE.
  • Formatting is not continued to the new created block element when InsertParagraph is executed in FireFox and Chrome.
  • Block elements cannot be deleted when Track Changes is enabled.
  • CustomLinks is not working in IE7/8.
  • Remove the Iframe which holds the textarea element in HTML mode.
  • Strip content functionality now uses DOM operations.
  • Modifying inline commands to handle formatted block elements.


  • Added class to the check box for Boolean fields in RadFilter.


  • Fixed the appearance of disabled inputs in IE11 when decorated by RadFormDecorator.
  • FormDecorator doesn't apply rfdInputDisabled class to input in IE11.


  • RadGantt provides possibility to assign resources to your tasks.
  • Added Current Date Indicator.
  • Added Task Tooltip.
  • Added Pdf Export.


  • Multiple pointers in RadGauge.
  • RenderAs property in RadGauge.


  • Light-weight RenderMode for RadGrid.
  • Add ability for user choose which columns to be frozen.
  • Frozen columns with next/prev buttons.
  • Support for Frozen columns with show/hide.
  • Added All option for the dropdown in the RadGrid pager.
  • RadGrid frozen columns performance optimizations.
  • Provide an option to change the default encoding for RadGrid CSV export.
  • Support for binary images (RadGrid BIFF export).
  • When a multi-level hierarchical grid with batch editing is used and the InsertItemDisplay property is set to Bottom. A JavaScript error is thrown when the addNewRecord method is called.
  • BatchEditing with MouseOver does not keep the edited cell value.
  • When setting file name with more than 31 characters, when exporting to XLSX format, a Server-side exception is thrown.
  • RadGrid with Batch Editing - The ImageUrl for GridClientDeleteColumn is not applied correctly for new rows.
  • Mobile RadGrid pager does not hide properly its components on different screen resolution.
  • RadGrid GroupHeader is not displaying correctly in IE7 when some of the columns are hidden (Display="false").
  • Delete command is fired when an input field is focused in an EditForm and delete key is pressed.
  • When filtering is applied for a second time the filter function value is not passed correctly to the OnItemCommand arguments.
  • In RadGrid with frozen columns when filtering a column that is initially invisible and no result is returned, after scrolling horizontally a JS error is thrown.
  • When SuppressColumnDataFormatStrings property is enabled it does not remove the format from the columns.
  • When a GridCalculatedColumn is placed inside a grid bound Client-side a JavaScript error is thrown.
  • When RadGrid is placed in a NestedViewTemplate Batch Editing does not work is some scenarios.
  • RadGrid in Batch edit mode - When scrolling is enabled, scrolling and deleting an item throws Server-side exception on Save Changes.
  • RadGrid context menu is not properly updated when you show/hide and reorder columns.
  • When filter value contains apostrophe the grid throws error.
  • RadGrid cannot be filtered via RadFilter when they are placed in different tabs.
  • If a sequence of dollar signs is present inside the filter value when filtering is applied the combination of two dollar signs is replaced with a single dollar.
  • RadGrid BatchEditing does not work with <br /> elements inside of the cell text in Chrome.
  • When RadGrid column HeaderStyle is set via designer the ColumnValidationSettings are generated into the markup for each column.
  • FooterTemplate of GridTemplateColumn does not display when Aggregate is set.
  • When filtering and auto-generated columns are enabled and the data source of the grid is changed dynamically, in cases where the fields have the same names but different type the ViewState may not load correctly.
  • When virtualization is used and the user scrolls to the bottom of the grid and back to the top, the wrong subset of records gets displayed.


  • Added zIndex property for ordering series.
  • Added RenderAs property for the HtmlChart.
  • Candlestick series doesn't have a border.
  • PolarChart in HtmlChart cannot be used under .NET 3.5.


  • RadImageGallery support for templates.
  • Touch gestures support for the RadImageGallery control.


  • Light-weight RenderMode for RadInput.
  • Added elastic functionality.
  • For RadMonthYearPicker if the current date is 31/12/2014 (e.g.) in case month with less than 31 days is selected (February 2015) the selected month moves to the next one that contains 31 days (March in this case).


  • Some controls stay hidden in iframe mode in RadLightBox.


  • The checkbox is not applied when client template is used.


  • The last item looks like cut off in light rendering vertical scrolling sub menus.
  • Prevent expand of collapsing menu child items, when hovering over the already collapsed part.
  • Unify RadMenu ItemTemplate and ContentTemplate dynamic creation.


  • Added AudioHandlerUrl property to define a custom handler URL.
  • No RadNotification sound played in iOS, Android and Windows RT.


  • Light-weight RenderMode for RadOrgChart.
  • Added horizontal RadOrgChart layout in lightweight render mode.


  • Expand handle looks operational even when PreventCollapse is set to true.
  • If ChildGroupHeight is set for a parent item and then one of its child items is expanded, this setting is lost and the scrollbar disappears.
  • RadPanelBarItem is collapsing on every postback and its expandstate on the server is always false.


  • Possibility to export the formatting added in CellDataBound event for the RadPivotGrid.
  • Ability to globally set the ConnectionString for the OLAP Settings in the web.config file.
  • Capability for setting the PivotGridReportFilterField inital filter.
  • Added ability for setting the PivotGridReportFilterField initial filter.
  • In RadPivotGrid a horizontal scroll bar appears even if there is enough place to display all columns.
  • Recursive Parent Child Hierarchy Attribute Rendering Issue.


  • Light-weight RenderMode for RadRating
  • Elastic Rating.


  • RibbonBar - missing expand arrows of an application split menu item.
  • RibbonBar width increases and collapse group is not created when loaded more items.


  • Support to set year intervals with YearlyRecurrenceRule class.
  • OnClientNavigationCommand is fired twice when you select a date from the Scheduler calendar.
  • Scheduler TimeZones in DayView and TimelineView recurring appointment not visible.
  • Scheduler appointments are shifted right in TimelineView under IE7.


  • DropDown Expand/Collapse animations.
  • EnableScreenBoundaryDetection (enabled by default).
  • SearchBox in Light-weight render mode - the control is higher as in the design.


  • Compact buttons do not appear in compact popup of Social Share in MetroTouch, BlackMetroTouch, Glow and Silk.


  • Convert RadSpell args.suppressCompleteMessage field in the clientCheckFinished event to a method.


  • SlidingPane text tab is not sized correctly on Chrome, Opera and Firefox when RadSplitter Orientation is set to Horizontal.


  • Added an option to order the StyleSheetReferences in RadStyleSheetManager.


  • Setting RenderInPageRoot to false does not render the RadToolTip in place.
  • Change default value of RadTooltip's RenderInPageRoot property to True.


  • Dragging lines in RadTreeView are misaligned in IE versions prior to 11.
  • When Windows region/culture settings are set to Turkish, the English letter "i" becomes different character when it moves to upper or lower case.


  • In RadTreeList with RenderMode="Lightweight" the pager buttons have wrong hover background color (IE8/9).
  • RadTreeList column widths are not applied in the Excel document.
  • RadTreeList does not render correctly in design time when UseStaticHeaders="true".


  • RadWindow with RenderMode="Lightweight" does not autoSize properly on postback.
  • RadWindows with RenderMode="Lightweight" takes the skin of the last RadWindow in the markup regardless of their own Skin property.
  • The command buttons of RadWindow are span elements instead of button elements when RenderMode="Lightweight".


  • NextStep clicked event is fired twice.


  • The default constructor forces the ZipArchive to dispose the passed stream when it is already disposed.
  • ZipPackage is marked as Obsolete.


  • SPRadGridWebPart throws an exception when a hierarchy row is expanded.


  • The Skin Assembly Builder does not work correctly with RadAjaxLoadingPanel.

Visual Style Builder

  • In Visual Style Builder the colorizing of Hue does not work with values greater than 160.


  • Introduced support for generating PDF/A compliant PDF documents.
  • Added support for export of document info: Author, Title, etc.
  • Introduced PreferredWidth property for setting table cells width.
  • Introduced support for Lists.
  • Added InsertBlock method in RadFixedDocumentEditor that allows inserting custom implementation of IBlockElement interface while generating flow content.
  • Implemented support for adding hyperlinks with a destination through Block editor.
  • Block InsertText method overload does not respect its FontStyle and FontWeight arguments.
  • Splitting empty Block returns not empty Block.
  • When drawing element with and without clipping they are exported in wrong order.
  • When drawing nested tables the text in the inner table is drawn out of the table.
  • Merged cell's content overlaps the borders of a table that is split to two pages.
  • Encrypted documents could not be opened in Adobe Reader.
  • PdfReal values should not be exported in exponential format as it is not supported according to PDF specification.
  • RadFixedDocumentEditor's TableProperties are removed.


  • Introduced support for Grouping which allows creation of documents with grouped rows and columns.
  • Introduced support for Data Validation which allows restricting the type of data or the values that users enter into a cell.
  • AutoFit does not fit exactly to text when Normal style is modified.
  • When CanInsert() method is called with 0 as ItemsCount exception is thrown.
  • Cell value formats are not applied in CSV import.


  • RTF format provider: Support for Import/export of multilevel list containing list level without number text format.
  • Export of RadFlowDocument to PDF, using the Pdf format provider class.
  • Exposed Section.PageNumberingSettings property.
  • Introduced support for vertical section alignment.
  • Introduced RadFlowDocumentEditor.InsertSection() method.
  • Introduced support for "type" attribute of HTML list.
  • Importing style from HTML does not base the created style on 'Normal' style.
  • Document containing list without explicitly specified multilevel type cannot be imported.
  • The input file stream fails to convert to RadFlowDocument when a field has multiple general formatting switches.

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