February 20, 2013
The new Telerik ASP.NET DropDownList component is a simple, easy-to-use and fast-performing drop down, which can be bound to any DataSource control, WebService, or custom object. See demos
RadDropDownTree is a dropdown component with a built-in tree. It can be bound through any DataSource control, DataTable or custom object that feeds it with hierarchical data. See demos
Telerik's ASP.NET Persistence Framework provides out of the box mechanism for preserving end user settings of RadControls, such as selected indexes, expanded states, position and so on between sessions. In addition you can save custom key-value pairs to fulfill your scenario requirements. See demos
Telerik's ASP.NET SearchBox is a simple input which has a default search button, though any customs buttons can be added to it. It provides API for displaying search results in a dropdown form based on the user input. See demos
RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX adds a new Zip Framework which provides API for compressing and decompressing files, as well as streams. See demos
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