What's new


Release History

UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2011.2915

September 14, 2011

Common for all controls

What’s New

  • Added: FireFox 6 and Chrome 13 support
  • Added: Updated the internally used jQuery to version 1.6.4
  • Improved: Embedded resource extraction with SkinRegistrar.GetWebResourceUrl() to support extracting resources from external skin assemblies

SharePoint 2007/2010

What’s New

  • Added: The WSP deployment will now add an httpHandler entry for the Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource handler when deploying RadControlsSP
  • Added: Handler for ImageEditor in SPRadEditor
  • Added: Save content when leaving page (RadEditor)

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: [SP2010] Linked text in RadEditor's content area gets filename extension appended to it
  • Fixed: [SP2010] SPRadGrid does not take the filter query of a SPView into account
  • Fixed: [SP2010] SPRadGrid is not taking the correct list when bound client-side to a list belonging to a nested/sub site
  • Fixed: [SP2010] SPRadListView is not taking the UserInternalEditing property into account
Visual Studio Extensions Icon

Installer and Visual Studio Extensions

What’s New

  • Added: New scenarios for RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Upgrade wizard fails for Web Site project
  • Fixed: Upgrade wizard sets wrong tagPrefix in web.config
  • Fixed: Fully qualified assembly reference not removed from web.config in .NET 4.0
RadAsyncUpload Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Method to cancel upload when OnClientFileUploading event is fired
  • Added: deleteAllFileInputs method
  • Added: Update client state of the RadAsyncUpload on the server side, if other control triggers a postback

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: AsyncUploadedFile > ContentType property returns null when File API module is used
  • Fixed: MultipleSelection and FileFilter don't work with the Flash module
  • Fixed: UploadedFile > FileName property returns an emptry string when called inside custom handler (File API)
  • Fixed: With IFrame module, when RadAjaxManager updates the control, removeInput method is triggered after the update and deletes incorrect file input
  • Fixed: Using IFrame, in IE is possible to write in the fake input textbox
  • Fixed: Silverlight module throwing JS errors under FireFox 6.0
  • Fixed: The FileAPI module is breaking the upload in FF 3.6
  • Fixed: ProgressArea doesn't hide upon clicking cancel (IFrame)

What’s Changed

  • Improvement: Now all HTML5 compliant browsers, which support the File API interface (FireFox 4.0+, Chrome latest, Safari 5.0+), use the File API module by default, instead of Silverlight
RadBinaryImage Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadBinaryImage applies image transformations unnecessarily
RadCalendar Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadCalendar throws exception in some scenarios when RadCalendarDay Repeatable="Today" is set
  • Fixed: RadDateTimePicker wrong popup position in Chrome, Safari and Opera
  • Fixed: RadDatePicker with automatic postback, validated by a validator control, triggers postback even when it is invalid and CausesValidation="true"
RadCaptcha Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Problem with serializaion of CaptchaImage object
RadComboBox Icon


What’s New

  • Added: EnableCheckAllItemsCheckBox property to enable check/uncheck of all items with checkboxes
  • Added: The text of the RadComboBox displays the number of the checked items (when items texts do not fit the input width)

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Issue where all input events on the page stop firing after the ComboBox initiates and is updated via AJAX request in IE9
  • Fixed: The text is reset to that of the last selected item when the same item is selected twice with autocomplete separator
  • Fixed: Memory leak when RadComboBox is in an iframe in IE6/7
  • Fixed: The wrong item is selected on blur when empty message and MarkFirstMatch are set
  • Fixed: Tabbing while filtering with 'Contains' filter does not select the highlighted match in Chrome
  • Fixed: When a checked RadComboBox item is added dynamically at client-side, the input text is not updated
RadCompression Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadCompression compresses postback requests with content type="multipart/form-data" regardless of the EnablePostBackCompression value
RadDataPager Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: The CssClass Property of RadDataPager to work as expected
RadDock Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Cloning of a RadDock when its property DockHandle is not set to TitleBar
  • Fixed: Problem with saving RadDock's collapsed state when its Commands collection is empty Fixed: Title element exceeding the width of the RadDock
RadEditor Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Localization in TrackChanges dialog
  • Added: "pixels, %" labels next to the "Width" and "Height" spinboxes in the TableProperites dialog
  • Added: ImageEditorHttpHandlerUrl property to ImageManagerDialogConfiguration class. It gets or sets the HttpHandlerUrl property of RadImageEditor control, which is incorporated in the ImageEditor dialog
  • Improved: Rendering of RibbonBar when the ToolbarMode is set to "RibbonBar"

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: "Align" commands problem with creating non XHTML compliant code
  • Fixed: Adding a custom tool icon in RibbonBar tools mode of RadEditor - the ToolbarMode property should be initialized before the ToolsFile property
  • Fixed: Alignment of previously aligned elements stop working when switching to and from HTML and Design View
  • Fixed: ImageEditor dialog does not refresh the image after the first showing
  • Fixed: Not valid colspan and rowspan attributes cause js error, when opening the InsertTable dropdown
  • Fixed: Alignment commands would change the content in Firefox when aligning inline content within a paragraph
  • Fixed: ClearClass doesn't work in Link Manager
  • Fixed: RibbonBar dropdowns when the ToolBarMode is set to RibbonBar
  • Fixed: Setting ToolProviderID in the aspx markup causes a server error
  • Fixed: The repaint method should include a call to RibbonBar's repaint (if in RibbonBar mode)
  • Fixed: Alignment tools incorrect behavior in FireFox 4.*+ when ContentAreaMode is set to Div
  • Fixed: ConvertToXhtml filter leaves an empty paragraph under Internet Explorer
  • Fixed: Modifications applied with SetImageProperties dialog are not added to the Undo/Redo stack
  • Fixed: RadEditor does not stop Ajax calls when it is in update panel and the text length is more than MaxTextLength
  • Fixed: PdfExport content filter throws an error if the html contains a table without rows and cells
RadFileExplorer Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Right-To-Left support
  • Improved: Disable Upload button in AsyncUpload dialog of RadFileExplorer when the user is uploading files
  • Improved: Integration with RadAsyncUpload - use only partial Postback updates

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: The client-side Tree property is not updated correctly after execution of a RadFileExplorer's command
RadFilter Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadFilter generates incorrect SQL expressions for boolean type
RadFormDecorator Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: JavaScript exception is raised on page unload when attaching and detaching additional event handlers to decorated select elements
RadGrid Icon


What’s New

  • Added: New property on the client for exposing the editIndexes collection of the grid
  • Added: [Serializable] attribute to the GridSortExpression type

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadGrid tables' cellspacing attribute is obsolete and should be rendered in IE6 and IE7 only
  • Fixed: Javascript error is thrown with client-side web service binding when the web service throws an exception
  • Fixed: GridNumericColumnEditor is not initialized correctly
  • Fixed: In hierarchical grid the pager/footer item of the detail table is not decorated properly
  • Fixed: RadGrid buttons are not localized correctly for some cultures
  • Fixed: e.DestinationTableView object in the RowDrop event always returns the master table on drag-and-drop in hierarchy
  • Fixed: RadGrid renders ' ' incorrectly in GridDropDownColumn cells bound to null values
  • Fixed: RadGrid requires IBindableTemplate for its template edit form even when automatic data editing operations are disabled
  • Fixed: GridBoundColumn is not displaying values when bound to a DataRow object
  • Fixed: HeaderContextMenu should not inititiliaze all column sub-menu items in a hierarchical grid
  • Fixed: PagerStyle > PageSizeTextLabel property is not being taken into account
  • Fixed: Tooltip can't be set to ExpandCollapse column's buttons when ButtonType is ImageButton
  • Fixed: When client group load mode is enabled and the GroupingSettings.RetainGroupFootersVisibility is set to false, the last row of each group is not hidden when group is collapsed
  • Fixed: get_dataItems() returns twice the number of items after posback, if an item is selected inside the RowCreated client event handler.
  • Fixed: GridDateTimeColumn does not apply FilterTemplates
  • Fixed: Problems with frozen scrolling when the window is resized
  • Fixed GridDateTimeColumn with AutoPostBackOnFilter="true" cancels the default request and fires a new one when "NoFilter" option is selected
  • Fixed Exception in some scenarios when exported image resides outside of the application path (PDF)
  • Fixed Error when using user control as a custom pager
  • Fixed: Client-side GridTableView.extractValuesFromItem() method does not work

What’s Changed

  • Breaking Change > Fixed: When multi-row selection is enabled, the EnableDragToSelectRows property is also set to "true" by default and the UseClientSelectColumnOnly does not overwrite it
RadImageEditor Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Support for Width set in percentage values
  • Improved: Crop box should appear in the visible part of the viewport, when there is scrolling
  • Improved: RadImageEditor.ApplyImageOperations method to accept parameter collection of type IEnumerable<IImageOperation>

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: JavaScript error when two dialogs are opened one after the other very rapidly in the ImageEditor
  • Fixed: addText should use pixels on the server-side editing of the image
  • Fixed: Create ImageEditor dynamically from a control's OnClick event handler
  • Fixed: Crop dialog would raise an error on dispose in IE7
  • Fixed: ImageEditor crop dialog raises a JavaScript error in IE8 when the width is set to 1
  • Fixed: Cropping of zoomed image is not applied properly
  • Fixed: Javascript Intellisense does not work in VS2008 SP1
  • Fixed: Problem with RadEditor and ImageEditor toolbar icons when embedded skins are disabled
  • Fixed: The draggable text in the addText dialog does not respect the scrolling of the image
  • Fixed: Undo operation in ImageEditor under IE6/7/8
  • Fixed: Set greater width to the Width and Height input containers, because the "px" label goes on the next row
  • Fixed: Problem with image not shown correctly when the ImageEditorTool.ImageUrl is used to set custom icon
RadInput Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: New property for specifying a zero pattern when formatting - RadNumericTextBox.NumberFormat.ZeroPattern
  • Improved: Added to date input controls the option to skip server-side Min-Max date validation

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadTextBox typing is slow in IE8 when a picker control is declared in the markup before it
  • Fixed: RadTextBox with AutoPostBack="true" validated by a validator control triggers postback even when it is invalid and CausesValidation="true"
  • Fixed: invalidDateStringFlag of RadDateInput never gets cleared on the server side even when a valid date is entered.
RadListBox Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Can not enable listbox items on the client if they were disabled with javascript before postback
  • Fixed: When item is disabled from the code behind on the client is rendered "disabled" attribute. Enable method on client side can't remove that attribute and the item stays disabled in IE
  • Fixed: MultiSelect and Ctrl key press - wrong behavior when there are more items in the listbox and scrollbar is used
RadListView Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadListView does not serialize the Skin property to the client component
RadNotification Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Declaratively set z-index is not correctly applied in Safari and Chrome
  • Fixed: Embedded resources and query string urls can be set as ContentIcon and TitleIcon
  • Fixed: In some scenraios with a stanadard asp ScriptManager, a js error occurs when RadNotification is updated with RadAjax/MS Ajax
  • Fixed: Incorrect positioning and jump when Pinned='true', LoadContentOn='EveryShow' and the page has been scrolled before show
  • Fixed: RadControls in ContentTemplate do not work correctly in some scenarios after OnCallbackUpdate gets executed
  • Fixed: Client-side set_text method does not work correctly
RadPanelPar Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: The root item scroll resets to top after expanding a child item of its own (ExpandMode=FullExpandedItem)
RadRibbonBar Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: repaint() method for the client-side object

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Button click event fired for incorrect button when a tab is invisible
  • Fixed: Incorrect button index is submit on click if there is a template item before the clicked button
  • Fixed: JavaScript error thrown when clicking a button if ButtonClick server event is handled and RibbonBar is in AjaxPanel (IE8)
  • Fixed: Upon changing tab selection, RibbonBarGroups are not resized
  • Fixed: repaint method doesn't adjust size of the RibbonBarItems
  • Fixed: If RibbonBarToggleList is placed after an empty RibbonBarTemplateItem, a js error is thrown
  • Fixed: When you resize the RibbonBar to have a collapsed group, then select another tab and bring the selection back to the initially selected and finally resize back the groups, the collapsed groups remain visible
RadRotator Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Ability to utilize RadButtons as RadRotator's ControlButtons
RadScheduler Icon


What’s New

  • Added: RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor > ResetLayout method for clearing the currently selected RecurrenceRule options
  • Improved: Keyboard Navigation

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: get_allowEdit and get_allowDelete return null when appointment is set to or holds the default value true
  • Fixed: Changes made to the inner controls of the recurrence editor on FormCreated event does not seem to have effect
  • Fixed: Exceptions get reset after changing StartTime of the series (only when RecurrenceEditor is used in custom form)
  • Fixed: Zero duration appointments overlap with regular appointments rendering-wise
  • Fixed: The RecurrenceRange option buttons cannot be selected on FormCreated event of RadScheduler
  • Fixed: Resetting the RecurrenceRule of RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor fails when a less frequent recurrence is selected
  • Fixed: Issue with RadScheduler EventMap - onDomEvent method tries to process event from a document fragment, which is incorrect
RadScriptManager Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: RadScriptManager to enable JavaScript IntelliSense automatically when put on a page in VS2010
RadSkinManager Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RadSkinManager is breaking when applying skins to data-bound controls and these controls are still not data-bound
  • Fixed: Smart tag's skin combo does not list the new Q2 2011 embedded skins
  • Fixed: SkinRegistrar is not setting custom embedded skins in design-time
RadSpell Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Spell check suggestion list contains words from all user custom dictionaries
RadSplitter Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: set_slideDuration for RadSlidingZone does not update the animation of the containing SlidingPanes
RadTabStrip Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: RenderSelectedPageOnly does not render solely the first pageview in RadTabStrip
  • Fixed: When creating tabs and pageviews on the client-side and assigning contentUrl to the pageviews, the contentUrl of the new pageviews is applied to already created pageviews
RadToolBar Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: The FindItemByValue<T> method does not work when RadToolBar has multiple types of items (e.g. Button and SplitButton)
RadToolTip Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Client setter set_hideEvent does not correctly add/remove manual close button when ManualClose is toggled
  • Fixed: Hitting Esc key while a RadToolTip is opened causes a js error
RadTreeList Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: VS designer throws an exception when EditFormSettings tag is declared
  • Fixed: RadTreeList is throwing a javascript null reference exception when bound to null
  • Fixed: Exception is thrown on editing when EditFormType="WebUserControl" is specified and the user control does not implement IBindableControl
  • Fixed: Javascript error is thrown in IE6 and IE7 when the treelist's DataSource is null
  • Fixed: When scrolling with static headers is enabled the control does not calculate the headers width properly in Chrome and Safari
RadTreeView Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: JavaScript error when multipleselect=true and OnNodeClick="RadTreeView1_NodeClick" is fired
RadUpload Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Hover style is not applied to the Select button
  • Fixed: isExtensionValid client side method doesn't work properly (problem in regex)
  • Fixed: RadProgressManager throws JavaScript error when there is a base tag placed on the page
  • Fixed: Select button issues
RadWindow Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Design time improvements

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: If AutoSize=True, Animation != None and the RadWindow is closed from the server, it closes for a while and then shows up again
  • Fixed: In FF5 only, in some complex scenarios, scrollbars disappear when content page is used
  • Fixed: In some scenarios closing animation is not played
  • Fixed: Passing "$" sign in text message of radalert,radconfirm and radprompt causes wrong text to display
  • Fixed: Predefined dialogs (radalert, radconfrim and radprompt) are incorrectly displayed in mobile devices (iPad, iPhone)
  • Fixed: set_iconUrl does not work if used after the OnClientBeforeShow event
  • Fixed: Sometimes, after RadWindow is maximized and restored, command buttons are mispositioned (shifted to the left)
  • Fixed: When getting the coordinates in the OnClientDragEnd event handler, old coordinates are returned
  • Fixed: When the browser window is quickly resized from a bigger to a smaller size, a visible RadWindow goes outside of its restricotion zone
  • Fixed: When the title of minimized RadWindow is dynamically changed, its display breaks

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